I've been doing "ok" with things but have noticed a gradual worsening of panic attacks and sensitivity to smells and nausea when I eat. But just a couple weeks ago I had a really bad panic attack doing a short errand. I felt extremely nauseated and had to pull over a couple times. My medication I take for panic attacks didn't even help it, nothing did until I got home. So now I'm afraid to go places because I feel there's no way out of a panic attack if I'm away from home. I can go for walks around my neighborhood and run to town(I live in a small town) but I can't go more than a mile away without experiencing some anxiety and panic. I've been trying to still get out-'exposure' but I feel like I've landed flat on my butt and have to start all over again. I feel like I'm letting people down when I can't do certain things.