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Thread: update on me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Hiya. I havent posted here in a long time, so I thoughtI would update everyone here on me.

    I go to prom on April 30th. I'm absolutely petrified that I will feel sick there. Just the idea of a dim-lit room and people everywhere scares the crap out of me. I'm hopefully going to be driving myself there with my boyfriend. Having my car in the parking lot will give some feeling of security because I know it's there if I need to leave. After the prom we aren't sure what we are going to do. He really wants to go to afterprom but the rules are that once you enter afterprom you are NOT allowed to leave until it's over unless you call your parent. I dont like the idea of being "trapped" in afterprom. We might go to his house, but I really want to come to my home. Emetophobia is going to ruin my prom. I just know it. All I can think about is wearing my pretty red dress and vomiting all over it.

    I'm still doing no better with the phobia. It's a constant worry. I'm truly stuck. Sometimes I wish I feared others being sick more than being sick myself because I think it would be easier to deal with. I hate living like this....

    Well, that was my rant. Hope you enjoyed. Ugh. Life--it sucks.

    <font size=\"2\"><font color=red>aol/aim screename: kraziqtashes&lt;br&gt;

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I am sure you will be fine at prom. You will be just beautiful!!!! Can you post pics?[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] I know you are probably nervous...but you will have a great time!

    Keep us posted!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United Kingdom


    Hi Ashley, I totally hear where you're coming from - reading others
    tales I also wish i just had the fear of others being sick rather than
    myself being sick.

    I had a similar fear inside when I went to my university graduation
    day. We had allotted seats, and I was right in the middle of a row, so
    no chance of darting out! There must have been a thousand people there,
    which also makes me kinda nervous.

    When my name was called out and I went up onto the stage my biggest fear was making a fool of myself.

    But... when things worked out OK it was a huge euphoria and feeling of
    relief inside. It still doesn't mean I don't worry about 'events' like
    that, but it does mean that I know I can </span>get
    through them. And you are the same I'm sure - you just have to try to
    focus on that future perfect outcome, and do your best to enjoy the
    event - which I'm sure you will! By the way, how old are you, and how
    long have u had the phobia?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Please don't let this horrible phobia ruin a very important and
    memorable night. I know it is scary, I also was a nervous
    wreck!!! But I had a wonderful time! I worried all the way
    there (my prom was an hour away) but once I got there, I was
    fine. And you will be too! You will be having so much fun
    dancing, and tallking with friends, that you may even get lost in the
    moments and forget about the emet. And if you do feel closed in,
    and a little sick, you can always go out to your car. You will be
    fine. I hope you have an amazing night! Carrie



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