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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    California, USA

    Exclamation Stressed and need help

    Ok yesterday my son tried to go play at his friends but the mom said no cuz their sister was sick. I asked him what was wrong he said he didn't know. About 10 minutes later the kids came over to play and I said what's wrong with your sister? They said she's been throwing up. I immediately freak out. My son says can they come in and play I said no cuz they have germs on them. I let him play about 15 minutes and found an excuse to leave so he couldn't play with them anymore. I'm still freaked over this. But my baby has had a bad cold for a week now and I got and messed up nose but today I woke up with it bad and I just felt lethargic and off. I had a large cup of coffee then a nutella sandwhich, a little while later I ate some canned ravioli with my son. I took off to the store and came back and had a couple of bites of chocolate. Then I went out back to pick up a blanket my digs ripped up. Then I had heartburn real bad and when I move around I feel some perspiration. I'm so scared of getting sick. Do you think this is just a bad combo or that I'm going to be sick? I'm so freaked out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Stressed and need help

    You probably have a touch of your daughter's cold, toss in the mucus from that and your anxiety is probably causing extra acid in your stomach which explains your heartburn and THAT is probably making your stomach feel odd and triggering more anxiety over possibly getting sick. Take some deep breaths and try to relax a little to allow your acid levels to go down. Maybe take an anti-acid to help calm your stomach and see if that doesn't help calm you a little too. As long as your son didn't go in the house and use the bathroom or any of the areas where his sister had been sick, he's not likely to catch anything from just casual interaction like playing outdoors. You typically pick up the viruses by contact with the bodily secretions or sharing utensils/food/drink with a person who is or has been sick or lifted it from a surface that hasn't been properly cleaned. Since your son didn't have contact with any of those, I'm sure he'll be okay and you will be too....



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