Hey there,

I'm pretty new to the site, and this is my first time posting in a thread here. Unfortunately, it's because I need some emotional support!

2 days ago, I came home and was told that my sister had thrown up twice earlier. I FREAKED, because my sister is autistic and doesn't have the best hand-washing system. I bleached the whole kitchen and our shared bathroom, but she was absolutely fine the next day so we assumed she had just eaten something funky.

I came home yesterday to find my mom shivering in her bed, telling me her stomach hurt. Cue freakout #2. I help her out the best I can, but then I decide that taking a sleeping pill and just sleeping through the gross would be best. At this point, I am so anxious that I can feel my stomach start to hurt. I literally gave myself indigestion through anxiety. Ugh.

So about 2 hours later I'm woken up because I hear my brother breathing heavily in the hallway. Turns out HE's sick too!!! This is my worst nightmare! I went and bleached the whole kitchen, and slept in the basement.

Now I'm up for work but I'm nervous to go. I work 45 mins away, and I'm worried since this is the flu, if I get sick, the symptoms are going to hit me like bricks and I won't be able to get home. On the other hand, I'm thinking that if my brother, who is rarely ever home, got it and I didn't, my immune system has already beat it off.

I know that was really long but I'm just trying to be calm and think positive thoughts. My family doesn't fully understand my fear, and they get angry (understandably) when I start bleaching everything when I could be helping.

Any advice, help, kind words would be much appreciated!
