So, we just moved into our first house. So the past week has been pretty hectic. I worked (which is phsycal labor) and then packed and moved. So ive been pretty worn out. Last night we had a celebritory dinner at a mexican restraunt. Which ive ate at before and been ok. I ordered what ive always gotten. A little while after, i needed to go to the bathroom. Which for me, to havea "poop attack" as i call them is pretty normal. Since a lot of foods bother my stomach, however i can not pin point it. So diarrhea is a occoruance which happens a lot.

So mt stomach hurt like all night. I ended up taking a pepto pill and felt a bit better. Today, i was jusg gonna relax, which i did, since im back to work tomorrow. I napped and since my stomach was still grumbly, i just chilled. My stomach still hurts but its a lot better and its really not too bad. But i cant help be worried! If it was worse, like fp, think i would of v* already? I think so... i just want summer to come so people wont be as sick so much!