I was having trouble sleeping, kept waking up, i think because my partner wasn't asleep. About an hour ago he got up again, so I asked what was wrong... he told me he was very neaseas. I doubt it is something I could have, as he started a new medication tonight.

When he asked for a bucket I vacated the bedroom. I've heard some coughing, but not sure if it was just coughing. I think before the bucket, he v* in the toilet, but not sure, as he doesn't tellme when he does it, (cause of my phobia).

I'm pretty calm, and are tempted to go back in the bedroom, as I know he wants me there for support and comfort.
I want to be there for him, and I am pretty calm. I'm just scared I wont be able to handle if anything happens or has happened. I'm also feeling acidy cause my stomach is empty, which isn't helping.
It's really frustrating, I want to be there for him, and I just keep wondering what I am scared of. I think I'm scared the listening to it will cause me to do it... cause i know there is nothing to catch. :/ I wish logic worked against phobias.

I don't know what I should do. Maybe I should check on him, but worried he has v* in there. This sucks I'm not even scared and I'm still unable to help him. Though in fairness, I was starting to panic when he told me, which is why I left the room.