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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Night time and worried again

    Today when I was about to get on the subway when I got out of work, I got this feeling that tonight will be the night I get the dreaded sv*. I usually have this thought on the way home from work, but tonight is worse because my husband and I both have tomorrow off. The last time we both had time off together during the normal work week) he had the sv*. Now I am worried that it is my turn. I tried to get that thought out of my head, and I got home to dinner cooking in the slow cooker. My husband was making chicken, the recipe called for frozen, boneless chicken breasts. When I looked in the crock pot when dinner was ready, there was a little bit of chicken blood. It worried me and caused me to look online for information about frozen chicken in a slow cooker, turns out it says NEVER cook frozen chicken in a slow cooker. I put some on my plate, because my husband had worked hard to make it, but I never ate the chicken, it did touch my rice and my peas though.

    Now it's after midnight, I went to bed about three hours ago, and I have gotten up to go pee 4 times since I fell asleep. I also feel as though I may be coming down with a cold (the weather has been changing a lot lately). I was also shaking, and a bit dizzy when my head was on my pillow. I think what I have is anxiety.. usually with anxiety, I get shaky, and dizzy as well as I have to pee a lot, the problem is, I do not really feel anxious and I am not consciously thinking about getting sick.

    Is it possible that I do have anxiety, it is just not as severe as it usually is? Could I still be thinking of these things in my subconscious and getting anxiety from that? Help please, I just want to be able to sleep!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: Night time and worried again

    I hope you were able to sleep!! Man, do I get those "what if" thoughts in my head a lot and can't get them out! It is hard when you have to go through something that happened the last time you or someone you know had the sv*. I know people that can't watch movies because that is what they were watching when they were last sick. I know I have to pee A LOT when I get stressed and my anxiety takes over! Just try to keep yourself relaxed and get some sleep. Hope you feel better!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: Night time and worried again

    Thank you very much, it was just a lot of anxiety and I did finally end up falling asleep. I pretty much made my husband hold me (which he doesn't mind at all haha) and was able to calm down because I was in his arms. But I definitely know what you mean, I HATE it when the circumstances are the same as last time somebody I know was sick. I can't eve bring myself to put on the outfit I was wearing the day before my husband got sick last time. I feel like it is cursed or something, it's too bad because it's my favorite outfit .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: Night time and worried again

    Quote Originally Posted by cdelcourt827 View Post
    Thank you very much, it was just a lot of anxiety and I did finally end up falling asleep. I pretty much made my husband hold me (which he doesn't mind at all haha) and was able to calm down because I was in his arms. But I definitely know what you mean, I HATE it when the circumstances are the same as last time somebody I know was sick. I can't eve bring myself to put on the outfit I was wearing the day before my husband got sick last time. I feel like it is cursed or something, it's too bad because it's my favorite outfit .
    I do the same thing. Whenever I got sick in the past I would throw out whatever I wore cause I knew I'd never wear it again. I feel cursed if I wear it again. Which is silly, but the thought dominates my mind.



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