I went on a trip this weekend with the family and today we drove home...it
was about a 5 and a half hour drive and we stopped at a bunch of places
to go to the bathroom and stuff... a little later i really needed to go #2
(sorry for the detail but its necessary)...you know those crappy gas station
bathrooms yeah so thats all there was... we stopped at one of those and i
went to the bathroom the bottom of the toilet was gross i dont even want
to know what was on it, when i put the seat down it was pretty clean...so
after im finished i realize theres no toilet paper....so i look around and
theres a bunch of it on the floor right under the seat right in front of
it...so that begins to make me nervous and i think well what if someone
v'd and was trying to clean it up...and i just havent been able to stop
worrying since then...who knows what ahppens in those bathrooms. I
washed my hands but i doubt that would have been enough if anything
had happened ugh its been a long weekedn and now i gotta go back to
school tomarro ugh...bringon the summer