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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Ughh....read an article saying noro is in my area. Freaking out :/

    I hate this. Just as I was starting to feel better about things I read a local news article:


    Now I'm freaking out knowing there's a rise of the norovirus in my area I'm so afraid someone in my house is going to get it, or I'll get it. :'( Ugh.

    Sorry, just needed to vent my fear and frustration. -___-

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Re: Ughh....read an article saying noro is in my area. Freaking out :/

    Totally understand, I'm having a freak out myself right now. Even if it is in the area, you know how to avoid it, practice good hand washing, don't touch your face, if you are in a public place, wash your hands often and avoid touching things others touch a lot. Dose up on probiotics and vitamins, and maybe just stick close to home for a few days. I'm sure if will blow over, and you and your family will be just fine.

    It seems worse this year in my area too, everybody seems to have gotten it this winter. Good luck! You will be ok.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: Ughh....read an article saying noro is in my area. Freaking out :/

    Thank you. I'm more concerned about my family bringing it in the house. I'm cautious about getting it, but obviously my family is a bit more relaxed about it since they don't have emet. My sis has washed her hands more often to help me feel better, which I appreciate. I just hate not knowing what will happen and the feeling of not having control over the situation

    Thank you for the reply.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Re: Ughh....read an article saying noro is in my area. Freaking out :/

    Your welcome. I know...the waiting is the worst, you just don't know. Then when anxiety kicks in, you don't know if you feel ill from that or if you have a bug. I'm glad your family members are trying to help you out, even if they aren't emet, they probably don't want to catch it either. Take care, and distract yourself, that's the best thing to do in times like this.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Ughh....read an article saying noro is in my area. Freaking out :/

    ive never seen the filthy virus going around more than i have in the past month.wtf is up?there r 13 kids in my neighborhood and every last one has had it in the past month

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Bridgeport, CT

    Default Re: Ughh....read an article saying noro is in my area. Freaking out :/

    Ugh what a downer. Hopefully it won't be as bad as you think. Just make sure your family takes the proper hygiene precautions that's all. Hang in there it's almost over'

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: Ughh....read an article saying noro is in my area. Freaking out :/

    I'm hoping that it was at it's worse a week or two prior to the article, which prompted them to right it.....and now it's a week later since it's been writen......I'm kinda hoping it would die down by now or something >.< Or at least by next week the virus won't be so bad in my area.

    This just did not help my anxiety. And I'm reading about various colleges, specifically one in New York where all the college students are getting sick. Plus there's another cruise ship that is showing symptoms now....this freaking virus just won't calm the hell down. lol. I know it's around all year, but right now it's like the Hulk or something. It's annoying.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Ughh....read an article saying noro is in my area. Freaking out :/

    You too huh? I just joined this post because I am trying to right now isolate myself away from my mom and brother who seemed to caught the norovirus here in central NY. It goes around my job every winter and I am pretty careful about using the restrooms, cleaning my hands, even wiping hand sanitizer on the register at work. This is the first time in years it hit my house like this. My mom didn't V* but she had stomach pain, nausea, d* on Sat. My brother took care of her while I was at work both on Saturday and Sunday, then early Monday morning, he v*ed once and had d* all day, pretty wiped out. He is still coming back from it, his stomach is still off, but he was able to go back to work on Tuesday. I already have generalized anxiety disorder and can't stand the thought of v*. I went grocery shopping on Monday and picked up remedies my vegetarian boyfriend recommended including drinking hot water with ginger, honey and lemon juice to up my immune system (not very tasty in my opinion though I like ginger), yogurt, and cranberry juice. I take Vitamin C gummies everyday as well. I even have a pump bottle of hand sanitizer in my room to use right before I eat or after I have been in the contaminated bathroom . I have been avoiding the sick rooms and my mom and my brother because I can't stand the thought of catching it. I use the bathroom like it was a public restroom which is REALLY starting to annoy me because I would like to actually use the seat again instead of leaning over it (sorry if I am being gross). I spray it with Lysol Disinfectant Spray once or twice a day since it happened but I am reading the virus can last 2-3 weeks on surfaces!? I wash my hands then dry my hands on the hand towel, then go in my room and use my hand sanitizer. I don't get sick time at work so if I catch this thing I am down for the count for at least 48hrs. I also work a register and don't want it to hit me and then have no way to get to the bathroom. I've been eating yogurt from Panera Bread and today added a smoothie to my meal. I already have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and if I get this thing I know its going to drive me up a wall. My mom and my brother keep saying that it's one of those things you just may not be able to avoid sometimes and that if it happens just hunker down. Me: YIKES!!!! My boyfriend wants me to stay over his place tomorrow night and I fear I'll get ill there. He says I probably won't get it because I would have had it by now and that I have been doing the yogurt and juice and all that stuff to wallop it. Plus I might have had some light symptoms (just some stomach acid feeling on Sat and Sunday and a headache on Sat) that my boyfriend says could have been all that I got from it. I don't know! Can anyone answer my questions:

    1) When is the toilet clean enough to use normally again? Do I need to use disinfectant bleach or does lysol spray cover it?

    2) How long are people contagious...can I visit my mom and brother in their rooms again or should I avoid it?

    3) Do the germs really last 2-3 weeks?

    4) Is it possible that I was able to avoid catching it or am I still at risk?

    Thanks for your input!!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: Ughh....read an article saying noro is in my area. Freaking out :/

    I'll try to answer some of the questions you asked, but I'm no expert....so don't take my word 100%. lol XD

    1.) I'm pretty sure one use of bleach would do the trick for the toilet. In my house we don't even use bleach that often, and usually use lysol spray instead. And it seems to work. So I think lysol spray works, but bleach would probably be better. Also: It depends on the lysol can you're using. Lysol Disinfectant III kills Norovirus. The previous Lysol's, I and II, don't list norovirus as something it protects against. So make sure you get the right kind. Though I'm pretty sure most Lysols you get today will be the III version. If you have older cans then they may not work against noro.
    2.) Generally people will be contagious about 48 hours after showing symptoms. I believe that's an average, and most people will not be contagious after that. But there are some cases where people can be contagious through their feces up to 2 weeks later. I don't think this is the case for everyone, I think doctors and websites will say 2 weeks to be on the safe side. But generally after a few days I think the person is ok to go to work and be around other people.
    3.) It depends on the virus, germ, bacteria, etc. Noro can live on surfaces for up to 2 or 3 weeks. That's why it's a good idea to get the lysol bottles ready and spray ever commonly touched surface in the house. And after touching those commonly touched surfaces: wash your hands. That way if you do pick up the virus on your hands you can flush them down the drain when you wash them. Basically, wash your hands often. That decreases your risk of catching the virus and makes it more likely to get rid of the virus if it's on your hands.
    4.) It's usually pretty rare to catch the virus several days after the last person is showing symptoms. I usually go with the 48-72 hour rule. If you haven't caught it by then, you're likely not to. But still: wash your hands. If you do that, I can pretty much promise you'll be ok. You weren't in contact with them as they were v*ing.....so yeah, I think you will be fine.

    Good luck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Ughh....read an article saying noro is in my area. Freaking out :/

    Thank you! So far I am doing well, tense over this bug, but well nonetheless. It's been a week since my mom got sick and she is just fine and its been 5 days going on 6 days since my brother showed symptoms, so hopefully I am in the clear. My boyfriend says too that people with compromised immune systems (like those on chemo like he was when he was 5) can be contagious for weeks, but my brother and my mom are pretty healthy people in general. I am avoiding the hand towels though and using paper towels or even my robe to dry my face. I was going to wash them yesterday but didn't get a chance too. I use the hand towels on my hands, but then rub some anti-bac gel on to clean them (even though I heard it won't kill it) and keeping my hands as far from my mouth as possible. Hopefully I am in the clear. Please, please please let me be in the clear!!!



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