So the other night I woke up at about 5am and didn't feel so well, I kept using the bathroom but nothing unusual. I knew something was off with my stomach but I let myself fall back asleep because I put it off as nervousness (earlier that day my friend told me she had the s.v. over spring break). I woke up at 6am again and went to the bathroom and for some reason I was so oddly calm, I used the bathroom, then stood up and knew it was going to happen, I v****ed! Now, usually when I feel sick I have a full blown panic attack : shaking, crying, not knowing where I am, shallow breathing, etc. However this time I was just so calm. As it was happening it was unpleasant, I won't lie, but you feel so much better afterwards and it goes by SO quickly. After it was over I felt proud of myself, and I was shaking a bit from being nervous but nothing compared to what it used to be. I did call my mom in, even though I'm now 20, and she helped me calm down. I went back to lay in bed and a few hours later I v****ed again, my biggest fear the s.v. was finally happening. However, my biggest fear or being completely uncontrollably nervous during this sickness wasn't happening! I stayed calm and stayed in bed the rest of the day and just drank a lot of ginger ale, and thankfully that was the end of it, I only got sick twice.

I used to be so terrified of getting sick, I thought about it all the time and whenever I got a stomach ache I would be overcome with anxiety. The fact that I stayed calm was such a big triumph and I'm so happy!

What I want everyone here to know (and I know it's hard to believe) is that ITS NOT THAT BAD! The worst part is the anticipation, once it happens you will realize that there is nothing to be afraid of, everything will be alright!

Good luck to everyone <3