I can't take it! I don't know what's going on with me. This emet is taking over me bad lately and it's ruining my life so horribly. I called my doctor today but I can't get in till Thursday morning, which will be rough considering I can't sleep at night so it's hard for me to wake up for stuff in the morning. I cleaned my whole house yesterday because I've been so sick with a bad cold I didn't get much done for a couple of weeks. But that completely drained me. I only ate a granola bar and part of a sub sandwich yesterday. But I woke up this morning with a bad crampy burning feeling in my stomach I thought I was going to get sick it was so bad. Then I went to the bakery to get my dad a birthday cake and got some cookies and doughnuts. I ate half a doughnut and thought I'm soo hungry. So I went to taco bell to get a bean burrito. But when I sat to ate it, I got so grossed out I felt I was going to gag. So all day I can't eat and if I move too much I feel queasy and weak. But the thought of food turns my stomach even if I feel a rush of hunger. I don't know if this is an illness or my paranoia just going through the roof. I need help. I don't know what to do and I'm so scared. I'm alone with my kids which makes it worse.