Was really tired and fell asleep around 11pm. Woke up at 12.45am wanting to pee then fell straight back to sleep. Next thing I knew I woke up about 40 minutes later feeling strange. Tried going back to sleep but then the n* swept over me and Im so afraid Im going to v*. Ive taken 30mg phenergan and a mild tranquiliser but dont know if thats enough to stop it! My stomach feels odd with a bit of cramping, Im getting hot sweats & I feel very n* and shaky. There is a sv* around but as far as Im aware the closest contact Ive had is my daughters friend came down with it one hour after she'd been to the cinema with her 2 days ago and a close co-workers grandkids had it last weekend! Im getting more and more anxious which isnt helping and Ive got to get up for work in 5.5 hrs and its my responsibility to open up the opticians and I work alone on reception so cant rely on someone else to cover for me Any reassurance or tips on how to get through this please asap!