Recently I've been swimming since I haven't done it in years and it's making me very happy, because I missed it so much.

But I just recently fell back into old habits when it cause to my emetophobia....I keep looking up on twitter and flutracker where the norovirus is, and how bad it is. Well, I found out that a local hospital had about 30 cases of noro among staff members in the past month. And this got me thinking: people are claiming the norovirus is still going around and I'm going out a lot more now that it's summer time. But knowing that norovirus is still running rampant (I understand it never goes away completely, but it hasn't died down to the point it usually does in the summer months like in the past) I'm beginning to worry. I feel like I'd be safer staying home and not hanging out with my friends. But I don't want to do that because I just started coming out of my shell sort to speak. I really feel like crying right now....I thought the worst of it was behind us, or it should have been. Why is it still hanging around I'm so afraid I will get it, or someone I'm close to will get it.

Second part of the thread: is swimming safe? It has chlorine in it, but will that kill any noro?

I really just want this to end. I want to enjoy my summer.