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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Great. Thanks, Mom.

    My Mom and I took my kids to the movies today. We sat there the whole time eating popcorn and and drinking our sodas enjoying ourselves. As soon as the movies ended Mom looks at me and says "Change her clothes when we get home, it smells like vomit over here." Seriously, Mom? You couldn't have pointed that out, oh, TWO HOURS AGO WHEN WE SAT DOWN??? Let the 72 hour freak out begin.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Re: Great. Thanks, Mom.

    Usually there are attendants who do a walk-through in the theater after the previous movie and clean up left over stuff, make sure nobody left jackets, etc.

    If there was vomit, they should have cleaned it but maybe the smell lingered? It could have also been from a little kid who ate too much popcorn ... I'm sure you'll be fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    New England

    Default Re: Great. Thanks, Mom.

    Movie theaters frequently smell weird. Non-emets aren't better at identifying it just because they aren't emet. I was outside a grocery store when I hear someone go "OH EEEW IT'S VOMIT DON'T STEP IN IT!" I freaked out because I had put my grocery bags on the ground nearby so I went over to inspect, it was spilled curry.

    Also it's only 48 hours. I'm not sure why 72 is floating around this site, but the CDC says 48 for noro. Rota is longer, but that doesn't really make adults sick.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: Great. Thanks, Mom.

    Yea, I thought the same about the kids over eating. But still.... Yuck mom!!!! As for the 72 hours, I know there are some bugs that take a few days to show, when I had noro this past January I fell I'll on a sunday, my only exposure was the previous Thursday!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Saint Peter Minnesota

    Default Re: Great. Thanks, Mom.

    I work in the food industry, the 72 hour grace period is actually for food poisoning. salmonella, e-coli. Those things take 72 hours for symptoms to show. And those ones are different from viruses. Lots of people get the food borne illness and viruses mixed up. everytime i start feeling sick i go through all the symptoms and what ive eatin in the past 72 hours. its fun (makes my brain tired lol)
    ~always wishing for the best, Eveningstar~



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