So as part of my therapy, I'm watching Youtube videos of people vomiting and I cannot believe the number of people who do the Ipecac Challenge, The Cinnamon Challenge, The Banana and 7up Challenge, The Milk Jug Challenge.... and every other "challenge" imaginable in order to vomit FOR FUN! There is one video (I won't post it) where 4 guys are sitting on a bench in a backyard with buckets in front of them, each drink a FULL GLASS of ipecac after one of them announces "We like to party!!!!!" (puking is partying???) and then they each proceed to vomit violently, repeatedly, one by one, while the others laugh and cheer them on. I don't get it. I am painfully aware that emetophobia is an irrational fear and so the way I react (and most of you react) to vomiting is not normal, but when did vomiting become "fun" and a recreational thing normal people do to "party" ?? Did I miss the memo? I really don't get it. Has my extreme irrational fear of vomiting made me so out of touch with reality that I just don't see why ANYONE would WANT to vomit, least of all for the fun of it? And it isn't just one or two nut jobs, there's a hell of a lot of people who do this!!! So it makes me think that vomiting really can't be that bad at all, otherwise why would sooooooooo many people video themselves vomiting ON PURPOSE and then post it online for the world to see while everyone laughs and laughs and laughs like they're having the time of their life. What am I missing? And why can't I think of vomiting like that? I don't know if I'm angry, confused, or just jealous!