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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Question Confused! Emetophobia medication!?!!?!

    Hi everyone,

    Ive been reading many posts and threads over the past few months which often mention different types of medication. (a lot of long names of medications that I can't remember right now!)

    Medication that calms during an anxiety attacks and medication when feeling nausea....etc

    So I was wondering if you could share your knowledge of this medication and what it does, where I can get it from, does it have side effects, is a damaging to health.. Etc?

    Since being an emet I never knew of any medication to specifically help emets until I joined this site!

    thanks for your hep!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United States

    Default Re: Confused! Emetophobia medication!?!!?!

    I think the medication most people are referring to are antidepressants, benzos, and antiemetics. Antidepressants, like Celexa, Zoloft, or Wellbutrin are often used to treat anxiety as a daily thing. For example, I take Celexa once a day which helps to keep my mood up and keep my daily anxiety at a more manageable level. The benzos are things like Ativan (citalopram), Klonopin, or Valium. These are much stronger, but they usually are not taken daily. I am prescribed Ativan for when I am having an intense panic attack and I cannot calm down. It is more sedating, and helps to control the intense physical symptoms of panic. Anitemetics, such as promethazine, are used to control nausea. I don't have them, as my doctors won't prescribe it lol. But they can be helpful in settling your stomach. They are often also sedative. A good alternative, if you can't get antiemetics, are pepto, tums, emetrol, or dramamine which are all over the counter. All the other things I've mentioned are per prescription.

    If you're getting therapy, you can ask your therapist about the antidepressants. I'm sure they'll help judge whether medication would be helpful for you!
    PM me for contact info such as skype, email, or facebook. Thanks!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: Confused! Emetophobia medication!?!!?!

    Thank you for your detailed reply! very helpful indeed! I think I might further research the over the counter medicines as I'm not at a really bad stage at the moment but when I sometimes hit low points I think the medication would be really helpful in comforting me. Thanks again!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Boston Lincolnshire UK

    Default Re: Confused! Emetophobia medication!?!!?!

    I have suffered from this for a long time, but it has just got a lot worse for me over the past year. I didn't know that there was treatment out there but got to the end of my tether and went to see my doctor as I was having sickness about 2 weeks out of the month. I was actually being sick as well. My doctor and I are trying to find a medication that can help this matter. It is a long process and we will hopefully get there in the end. I take valium 3 times a day and also anti sickness and acid reducing pills. I have had numerous tests done and all have come back clear. I find it had as I have a partner and he doesn't fully understand so it is hard for him. It has got to the stage where I can't go out for fear of even catching a bug. I deal a lot with my doctor on the phone and she is a great help if I need her. Even any tiny thing like friends or family coming to visit me sets it off. I am due to go to a 40th birthday party tomorrow and they have all just had a sickness bug. I can't see me being able to go. Try contacting your doctor as he/she may be able to help you. My goal is to get a medication that works and then go for cbt. Then hopefully after all this I will be able to reduce the pills and come off them all together. There are some days when i feel that I would be better off dead as it gets to much to cope with. So please get in touch with your gp and get some help before it gets any worse.



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