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Thread: Headaches??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Thumbs down Headaches??

    Not even 2 hours ago, I got this headache on the right side of my head. It came on rather suddenly, and prior to it, for a little less then an hour, I was blowing my nose and sniffing, but A LOT because of an allergy attack.
    I'm thinking it's most likely sinus related because I felt fine before it. It's manageable pain right now. Nothing worse than a bad headache.
    The only thing worry me is that a lot of people tell me that migraine headache are on one side of the head. I'm pretty sure I'd be aware if I migraine hit me, and I've never had one before, nor do they run in my family.
    I'm just concerned because I always hear how much migraines are associated with v*. I have it in my head that I'm either going to wake up in the middle of the night and v* or I'll wake up tomorrow and it will be worse and I'll be n*.
    At the moment, I'm not n* at all...maybe even a little hungry.
    I was just wondering what kind of headache this sounds like and if I should be worried :/
    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: Headaches??

    Sounds like a sinus headache to me. I get migraines VERY frequently and sometimes with aura, but I have never v* from it. So even if you were to get a migraine, it doesn't mean you will v*. I just think some people do because they don't know how else to deal with the pain and so it makes them feel better. Not the case for us though! You'll be fine. Drinking water helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Headaches??

    Sorry to hear about your headache. Not sure sinus headaches are USUALLY front or front and temples -- where migraines are USUALLY just one side of the head and usually in the temple area (at least for me).

    That being said even if it is a migraine that doesn't mean that you will v*!!

    If I get a migraine on the right side of my head -- I can function and get by OK but the pain is BAD just not debilitating. No aura lights, no n*, no v* just the pain and trust me you'll know it because when I walk each and every time my foot hits the floor my head POUNDS! In my opinion there is no mistaking a migraine for anything other than that a migraine.

    If it's on the left side USUALLY I can't even get out of bed! I will also get some n* with it and USUALLY have the aura lights as well. Depending on the reason and how much medication I have taken (sometimes it's a scary amount) the n* will get worse but I have NEVER EVER EVER v* from one and had one just yesterday. At one point I was so gaggy that I couldn't even take anymore migraine medicine until after the phenegran kicked in (the migraine pills are kinda big).

    Today I have what I call a migraine hangover - LOL. Very short tempered, tired and just not with it.

    I hope that it's just a sinus headache however since I wouldn't wish migraines on my worst enemy!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: Headaches??

    Thanks everyone When I woke up today I still had a little headache but after I ate lunch it pretty much went completely away. Weird, but I'm glad it's gone.



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