Hello, I am new to this forum so hello everyone I'm a 21-year-old student in London. Have had emetophobia for as long as I can remember, had therapy in my teens as the phobia caused me not to eat properly. From about 18 I began to eat normally again and when I was 19 v* for the first time since I was 9 which actually really helped me begin to overcome my fear. Since then I have been much better with it.

Now about a month ago I had some pain in my sides and nausea, was taken to hospital where I did suffer from v* but felt I coped with it very well, as I felt safe in a hospital environment. Turned out I had a kidney infection which was a result of cystitis which has spread. I always feel more in control when I know what is causing any nausea or v*, and find it much better to cope with if it is not a stomach-related problems (food poisoining, tummy bug etc) - so knowing it was a kidney infection made the symptoms much easier to deal with, and I was given great anti-sickness meds when I was discharged. Also I was given a two week course of antibiotics which I came off just under two weeks ago.

At the weekend my boyfriend's little 2-year-old boy (who was staying with us) v* a couple of times, had a runny nose and a temperature. Last night my boyrfriend then suddenly came down with headache, sore throat, nausea, aches and v* quite a bit (but has slept through the night without any more of the v*), just a bit of diarrohea. We both went out to eat last night and had the same meal, and he suggested it was food poisoning but I think it is more to do with what his little boy had. Now within an hour of my boyfriend v* last night I became extremely anxious and panicky (I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks anyway). Of course the vicious circle began whereby the anxiety made me feel nauseous which fed the anxiety etc... Anyway he went to bed but I began experiencing a pain and heaviness in my lower abdomen, ribs and back (not unlike what I experienced when I had the kidney infection), slight sore throat, temperature and nausea. It's been burning to pee and have sex during the last few days. I've been up all night with anxiety and nausea. Added to this is that I am constipated (sorry for graphics). So basically I have experienced these symptoms for about seven hours, though not v* but obviously been closely around two people who have had some sort of bug involving v* (if you assume my boyfriend doesn't have food poisoning). My main anxiety is not just if I am to v* but what is the cause of it - is it the virus, food poisoning, or is it that I have developed another UTI given I have the symptoms of that too and have had a bad case of cystitis recently which involved nausea and v*? Or is it all just psychological? Or a combination of these things?

I really am in quite a state having not slept all night and really do need some reassurance please if you could. I do feel much less nauseous than a few hours ago but I don't feel right (though this could be exhaustion).

Please help