Oh Sam you've nothing to apologise for! I wonder whether counselling might be better for you than CBT at this point, or maybe something else...I think it's really important to go back to your GP and explain just how hard things are for you.

I have to say I agree with the others when they say making yourself sick is a bad idea. I don't think it would help. You would, of course, get through it and be okay, but I just really don't think it would actually help with the phobia, and I think vomiting induced by the methods mentioned is probably more traumatic than natural vomiting.

You can and will get your life back on track. If your GP is unhelpful or doesn't take you seriously ask to see another one. This phobia is as debilitating to you at the moment as a physical ailment and it deserves medical attention in just the same way. Please don't be too afraid to get your arm seen to; hospitals are not the germ-pits we sometimes think they are! xxx