I am begining to wonder if my emet is getting worse. I used to think that i was getting better but it seems that lately i have finding that i have more symptoms. For example, I thought that i was getting better because i wasnt have as many panic attacks. I used to freak out when my IBS would act up and i would get D. I would automatically think tha the D would lead to V. Now I dont do that as often. I can normally have my IBS episode and be fine afterwards. But I have noticed that I am scared to death of food posioning. I LOVE shrimp, but i refuse to eat it here in Japan. A friend of my husband told me about an incident he had where he got sick from from a piece of shrimp at a sushi place...that did me in. A friend of mine was stationed in Korea, he and his family ate at a hotel restaurant on the Army Post and they all got deathly ill from the chicken. They had to take their son to the ER cause they thought he was going to die. Everyone in the hotel got sick, that makes me afraid to eat on post. that wasnt even in this country but my mind still goes there when my hubby wants to eat somewhere. Then i am thinking about my kids and school. I just started my 3 yr old in preschool and i am losing my mind. Wheni went to pick him up on the first day there was a little girl sitting on a bench beside the teacher and the teacher was putting a plastic bag in a bucket, She set it down right beside the little girl. I didnt ask but you know i wanted to. Anyway, i feel like i am becoming obsessed with food poisoning. Its all i think about.
Tonight i have been feeling icky and its made me think more about this. I went out to eat with my husband and my mother to a sushi place. I didnt eat shrimp however i did have raw fish. My mom at most of what i did except for the salmon and tuna. She seems fine, She said she had some D earlier but just one time and she felt good enough to eat and drink a beer a little but ago. I have been feeling completely ick and thought that i needed some water. So i have ben sipping that but that seems to make me feel worse. I just dont know what to think. Could i have eaten something bad.
Whats the real deal with food poisoning? I have heard that it is normally food prepared my someone who has been ill with something like noro. but then couldnt it be the food itself? Whats the best way to avoid Fp? I heard that you will get it more likely from eating at home than at a restuarant because at home we dont follow as many guidelines about food handling and preparation. what are some safe foods to eat when i go out? Is beef safer than chicken? Is pork safer than chicken or shrimp?
Also, I have heard of Noro outbreaks here in japan, how can that be avoided if there is an epidemic?
How do i stop thikning about all of this? What can help? I need to forget about all of this and live my life!