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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Cleveland, OH

    Default Help out a new dudett?

    Ahhh, the lovely first thread made to express how I feel and get some advice.
    Well, I've been dealing with emetophobia since I was only 11 and it's just crippling, but I just can't express how terrible I feel now because of everything that's been flowing through my brain. I need advice. Terribly.

    So, to start off I have hyperthyroidism which probably throws me off the cliff and lets me fall into a giant abyss, in-gulping me for nights and days with terrible anxiety. It's not like it goes away when I sleep either, it sticks in my dreams and plays with my emotions when I wake. Considering this, I'm still in school and it's so hard for me to go through the day without wanting to explode into tears and run into my own shell away from everyone. I just can't do school anymore. This, I think, is just crazy. On top of the craziness, is the lovely cherry of insane; every little sound I hear in the bathroom, I'm afraid it's puking, and at school I hear puking, yet it's not helping. On the bright side, I'm so terribly good at hiding all of this, only my family knows and they yet to get me treatment as I'm to the point of just wanting to die.

    So much insomnia and everything from this is probably causing my body to diminish, cool.

    About school, what do you think I should do about it? I can't face it anymore man, home-schooling and psychotherapy just sound like the friend for me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Help out a new dudett?

    I suffered really badly with an overactive thyroid for several years til I had 90% of it removed when I was 22 years old. It was awful & really triggered my emet cos I was so anxious all the time & felt sick 24/7 not to mention the d* & not being able to sleep.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: Help out a new dudett?

    Hey! I don't know much about the overactive thyroid thing but i do know a fair bit about insomnia and thinking every time I hear a noise during the night it's one of my parents being sick. It's no fun at all and not sleeping is the absolute worst for making everything seem awful! I tend to watch something fun on the laptop til I nod off. Also can you maybe try seeing someone about the phobia before you make a decision about school? Or lots of guys on here have given awesome advice to people in situations like yours about coming to some sort of compromise with the school where maybe you do some work from home or can leave class if you have to. It's probably all different in the uk but i know I'm glad I stuck out both school and university. It was hard but worth it looking back.



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