ANOTHER day of feeling crap!

Started at about 11am this morning, had a very large bm* (sorry if TMI). Felt okay-ish afterwards, a little 'off' but I carried on pottering round the house and went out.

Had some tea this evening, but now (10pm) I feel awful. I'm almost in tears because I've been doing actually pretty good recently, and I feel this is a big set back for me personally.

My upper stomach hurts, like above my belly button. I feel slightly bloated. I've not had another bm* since this morning, but I frequently pee (used to that one though!). I feel really n*, and have taken a Phenergan. The other thing is these hot flushes I keep getting, which I've had all day. My cheeks feel like they're burning, but when I look at myself I look okay if you get me? But I feel so hot that it just makes me feel weird. For some reason, I always associate this with sv* just because I've read about fevers being linked closely with it.

I'm sitting in bed trying to distract myself on the laptop but at the mo, to no avail. I can never sleep when I'm like this.