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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Red face Freaking out and need help!

    Hi Everyone! I am new to the group and have beem an emetephobe for as long as I can remember. I currently 36 y/o and have probably suffered from this since I was 8 or 9. I really don't know what provoked it. As a child, I rarely V. Maybe 4 times until I got to college and was stupid woth drinking. Anyway, my emet has gotten 10 times worse since my brother in law got a SV on Christmas night and was just about passed out on our bathroom floor! He was visiting from NY so I had to evacuate my children, myself and hubby from the house to go stay with my Dad. Ever since that time, I suffer from PTSD on top of the emet. Sometimes when I go to bed, I replay the sound of him V in my head and panic myself into an anxiety attack. I am an absolute germaphobe and wouldn't even step foot into my house until my husband bleached everything and steam cleaned our floors. Thank God we didn't get it!

    Anyway, my emet has hit an all tine high since that incident. I also was diagnosed with IBS, 2 ulcers and gastritis which of course, made me feel Nauseous constantly over the last year. Today I had D after being constipated for a week! I also had a headache last night and body aches all day today. I got home from work and became nauseous! I panicked that I was coming down with a SV so I took a xanax and zofran. My stomah is also making so much noise that I am petrified of having a SV.

    Has Anyone here expreienced body ached just from being tired or is it usually a sign of SV? I am starting to freak out!!Please help me! Than you so much!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Freaking out and need help!

    I have read that anxiety and panic attacks make you exhausted and your body aches afterwards. If you have been overly anxious and panicky you can be so very tired and achy. I feel your pain about the brother and v. My brother used to get really bad migraines and v all the time. He along with my parents were alcoholics too and they had episodes of v too. No wonder I am the way I am!! I think that v wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have the 3 s's. Sight sound and smell.(sorry if that was TMI) ANYWAYS.....your stomach making all that noise---gas. From the d. Maybe a nice hot bath and hot tea and call it a day??

    How do you cope with your kids/hubby when they v? Just wondering.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: Freaking out and need help!

    Thank you for your reply. That is exactly what I did. Poured myself a nice hot cup of Chamomile tea which soothes the tummy and I about to call it a night.

    As far as dealing with hubby and kids...lol. I haven't had to be put in that situation yet (Thank God!!) My hubby has an iron stomach. In 13 years, he V once (about 9 years ago) and we were still dating at the time so his mother had to deal with it, not me. The only other time he had a SV was the day we baptized our son (can you imagine?) but it wasn't V it was the other end.

    My children have yet to experience a SV. They are 4 and 19 months old. The older one is in pre K
    so I am constantly worried about what he will bring home. The minute we walk into
    the house, we go right to the sink and wash his hands before anything else. When he does complain of a
    stomach ache, the anxiety starts and I turn to my
    xanax to keep me calm. I am truly petrified over anyone
    in my family V or coming down with a SV!! I have always been that person that if
    someone coughs and gags in front of me, I run as far away as humanly possible. With this emet controlling my life, how will I ever be there for my kids or husband when and if they ever they are sick and V??
    My emet is not only fear of myself V, but it
    is fear of other V and me being there to hear it!!
    ugh!! What a nightmare!

    How do you cope with this? Any suggestions?

    Thanks again!! ;-)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Freaking out and need help!

    I wish I had a great suggestion, because I would take my own advice :-). I feel the exact same way right now, but I am just trying to focus on other things. It is so difficult but, we have to try and think we will survive if it does happen and things could be worse.

    thinking of you and hoping to calm your nerves

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Freaking out and need help!

    As my kids got older I sorta calmed down when it came to them and the v but the hubby is different. Maybe because its such drama on his end. Just open your mouth and be done with it for gods sake!! Then came the surprise baby and I went back to square 1 now that she is mobile and EVERYTHING is in the mouth!!! I am normal in summer/spring but fall/winter I am an anxiety/panic mess. I hate this season!! As beautiful as it is it only means 1 thing to me...sv and v. My boys are 13/8 and are typical boys that could care less about being clean!! Germ Gremlins I lovingly call them. I just pray they don't get it every year but alas they do. And I pray that the toddler doesn't! Oh do I pray!! I take Ativan when I have a full blown panic attack but otherwise I just keep my mind busy with other things. Am doing this workbook which my mental health "coach" suggested. We will see since I will do most anything to help myself thru this awful condition.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: Freaking out and need help!

    My body aches all the freakin time when I don't sleep enough!! Usually body aches aren't synonymous with noro or any other sv*



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