I swear this phobia has made this the worst experience of my life.
this is literally a pathological fear that there is no rationalizing with me when I get "the feeling".

I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and am currently on two different antiemetics. This phobia has ruined this time in my life. I am suppose to be happy about bring new life in yet all I feel is feel everyday. Not that I can't care for her, just "what happens if she gets sick?"

I haven't brought any of this up to my doctor because I feel he will look at me like I'm crazy just as everyone else does when I try to tell them that this phobia is real, and many people suffer from it. Nobody gets it.

i just need to be reassured that this can get better or whether I should mention it to my doctor for the sake of my new daughter. I can't have this effect my parenting.