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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Ok basically,

    About 5 years ago I was on the tube (london underground) on my way home from a friday night out for my friends birthday in Leicester sq. We had gone out for a meal and caught the last train home. So, It was about a ten stop ride and I was fine for the first six stops but then I began to get a real feeling of unease and couldn't continue talking to my friends. My heart started beating really fast and I closed my eyes and had a horrifying image of vomit all over my legs. I opened then to find the man sitting opposite me staring at me intently and I tried to ignore him, my fast beating heart and my hot n cold sweats as well as a voice screming in my head for me to get up and move sharpish. But I couldn't, so I jumped up like a maniac with my fingers in my ears and dashed to the other end of the train. When I got there, I turned around to see one of my friends has closely followed me and was tellng me not to look behind her, with a look of pure disbelief on her face. It turns out that about 20 seconds after I vacated my seat, the man sitting opposite me had projectile V*d all over my seat and the bloody window behind my head!!!!!

    Has anything like this happeded to anyone else? It's one of the craziest things thats ever happened to me, it hasn't happeded since? Does anyone have any ideas on how it happened? ! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    massachussetts United States


    OH MY GOD! That is truly unbelievable! I'd say you have a guardian angel that I'd like to borrow some time! Could you imagine if you DID'NT move-uuuggh!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United States


    I can tell when someone's sick usually, like in school...just a feeling of unease from nowhere. However, they've never actually gotten sick, it's just "oh can i go to the nurse" type thing. I think it's because i'm hyper hypersensitive to anything like that...but OMG, yours sounds like...i don't know, a work of fate!

    <3 Anya--
    PM me for contact info such as skype, email, or facebook. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    I think I kind of have that gaurdian angel thing! Like one time when I was coming back from the airport and I fell asleep, which I never do because I tend to sleep with my mouth wide open very attractively! And when I woke up I found out that I slept through both my sisters v*ing about 10 mins ago!But it could just be that as emets, we're paranoid alot of the time anyway and sometimes we happen to be right in our paranoia!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    I have asked doctors n psychiartrists etc and they say "oh, you must have seen that his face was green or something.. But I swear, he was just staring at me, not looking green, just looking normal.. If I hadn't have moved I can't even begin to imagine what would have happened!! My friends got it on them and they weren't sitting opposite him!! I'm damn lucky I guess but now im uba paranoid too!!!!



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