Interesting question! When I was at my worst; I didn't have Internet access and I honestly, truly, did not know there were any others like me. Therefore I considered this was "my problem" so I did the typical male thing. I didn't tell anyone. One good thing about this is, it kept me from over-researching norovirus or other things I didn't really need to know about and developing any obsessive habits early-on.

As the phobia has subsided I've told more and more people. If anyone mentions vomiting, I will usually tell them that "there used to be a time when that was my worst fear in all the world..." and explain to them what I went through. Several of my co-workers know, and a few of my close friends know.

@Blupup19 - It's awesome you're an EMT and a fireman. That's super-cool. I see how you would have to take some precautions but - you let your desire to help others override this phobia. Many kudos to you!!!!

I'm into the marine engine industry. This helped me to push through my emetophobia. I have to deal with the possibility of rough seas and possible seasickness. Also, I have to travel internationally and deal with the possible different hygeine standards in other (possibly less developed) countries. But It is my PASSION and I love it.
