Dr. Phil does have a degree in psycholgy and was in private practice
for several years as a therapist. This information is on
the bio section of his books. Therefore, what he allows his wife
to do on the show, give advise as an expert, IS something that he would
lose his license for if he did in private practice. The reason he
does not using this TV arena is because of all the disclaimers that
state what he does is for entertainment purposes. This legal
mumbo jumbo protects him out the ying-yang.

What disturbs me about him is that he does a bit of a dog-and-pony show
at other people's expenses. There are a ton of vulnerable folks
out there and sometimes I think he is a little two caught up in his own
celebrity and loses sight of that. He was way more humbler just a
few years back before he had his own start.
