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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Soooo scared I want to cry (and I am)

    Last Sunday middle of the night my dad came down with the SV. We have an unwritten rule that no one is ever to V in my bathroom, but yea, I woke up at 2am to him doing that in my bathroom, which shares a wall with my bedroom. Needless to say, i grabbed my comforter and went to my boyfriends, where I have been ever since last Sunday.
    My mom told me I was being dramtic, but I wanted nothing to do with that house. Tuesday my best friend comes down with it (keep in mind her and I are 200 miles apart, but just hearing about it freaked me out.
    Thursday morning I wake up at my bf's with a text message from my dad that my mom came down with it too, and had been V from midnight until 8am.

    I've spent this while week freaking the hell out.
    I went home Weds to just get some clothes and made some food my mom had made me monday night. Just being in the house the day my mom got sick makes me freak out. Eating food she cooked (it was only pesto pasta), before she starting V. I mean, I could just die of fear.
    I'm eating bland for fear I might come down with this. I know its going around and seriously Its my BIGGEST FEAR. I lay in bed negoating with g-d to please not let this happen to me. According to my crazy caluculations, my dad got sick sunday, my mom got sick wednesday and if I can make it though till tomorrow morning I wont have got it from them. I want to go home. The house keeper has already come on friday, and noone has thrown up since Thursday morning. I obviously will still be sanatizing everything.

    This fear of mine developed when I was 5 from a insitant with the SV, I turn 27 in 2 weeks and I have *knock on wood* not thrown up since then. I always thought I would out grow this, but it rules me at times like these. I cant care for anyone when they are sick, I live in such fear of catching this its debilitating during flu season. How am I ever going to have kids? Seriously????

    I am just praying I make it though the night. I am soooo sick of being this scared.
    I am new to this forum, i needed to reach out to someone that can genuinly feel my pain.
    I even stupidly thought in my head a few weeks ago.... "Maybe i'm getting better, since I havent freaked out about this in a while".

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Soooo scared I want to cry (and I am)

    I understand completely. I'm having the same kind of day. I hate this phobia so much. I spend day after day worrying about being exposed. Scares me to death.

    It sounds like you are taking all the precautions. I am sure you will be ok. Hang in there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: Soooo scared I want to cry (and I am)

    Thank you

  4. #4

    Default Re: Soooo scared I want to cry (and I am)

    I feel for you with all the fear you have! It's so scary and controlling. I'm going through a bout of it right now with my daughter. She just started getting sick and I'm freaking out. I sure hope you didn't get it and that you are able to settle down some. You got my attention with talking to God and praying about not getting it. That's what I'm currently doing. Hope you are calming down a little

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Portland, OR

    Default Re: Soooo scared I want to cry (and I am)

    I understand your fear. Although I've been out of my parent's house for many years, I remember back to times like this. My sister caught the sv once and was sick in the bathroom she and I shared. I just wanted to stay away from the house but unfortunately, I had nowhere to go. It was terrible. No one else caught it, but I was terrified. I even laid in bed all the next day with an upset stomach thinking I had caught it. I didn't v or have d but I swore I had it. Looking back, I realize it was only anxiety. I used to be much worse with my emet. For instance, I went to a movie at a movie theater once and someone was sick in the very back row. It ruined the theater for me for awhile. Then finally when I started going back, I would only go to movies that had been out for awhile so they wouldn't have many people there, I wouldn't sit next to anyone and I would only sit on the end of the row. I've kind of gotten over that now and seem to be a bit more over the fear of someone else doing it. Now I just worry about myself when I am around someone who I know is sick or when I feel n. Hang in there though. I know it's hard but know you are not alone in this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Cleveland, OH

    Default Re: Soooo scared I want to cry (and I am)

    I am in the same boat. Nobody in my house has it but my cousin's wife came down with it while we were in church yesterday. She ran out of there sick. I had just earlier that day held her baby and kissed all over his cute little face. Now i'm worried that if she kissed his face which i'm sure she did that i've kissed the same spots and i'll end up with whatever she has. Ugh. It's a never ending cycle. Be assured we all understand.



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