So yesterday I posted on the forums about my roommate coming down with something and me evacuating to my boyfriends house to avoid getting sick. (here!) Today, a co-worker who spent the entire day yesterday v* so badly he burst capillaries around his eyes came into work! He said he felt fine, no more fever and no more vomiting so he came in!! I was SO MAD!!! spent the entire day in my cube, using purell (I know it doesn't work on SV, but I needed something to clean my hands with). I also happened to have gloves (because I was going home to clean my house with diluted bleach post roommate sickness) so I wore them anytime I ventured out of my cube and only used one hand to touch anything (the door handles, the microwave etc...) and then washed my hands obsessively.

I also forbade him to come anywhere near me or my cube. He was gone most of the day in meetings and someone else was using his computer (who I also forbade coming into my cube). What are the chances I got something from this guy??? AHHHHH!!! SO NERVOUS! PLEASE HELP!