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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Never posted before but never been so terrified...

    I have a younger sister who has always been a constant source of worry to me as she is 6 and has always been a sickly child. This year, she seemed to be getting better with her hygiene and I agreed with my mum that I would take her to school on some weekdays... Normally I don't like being alone with her (I know it sounds horrible, but she makes me so anxious) now a few days ago she got ill and as I've just started therapy I was encouraged to stay calm and managed to even though I know she got sick. I convinced myself I would not catch it as it only lasted about 12 hours and I have a much better immune system than her. I went near her, talking to her. But 24 hrs later she felt unwell again.... And when I woke up this morning my dad informed me she has all the symptoms of norovirus, literally uncontrollably. I have cancelled all my plans and desperately want to leave the house but I am too scared of being out in the street and getting ill myself... There is nowhere close enough that I feel safe walking to I am downstairs whilst she is upstairs and I haven't seen her all morning my mum promised she won't bring her down but I am beside myself. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning now and my stomach hurts so much. I am literally forcing myself not to cry. I feel so trapped. I would be so grateful to anyone who could give advice or support... I am sorry for the long post or if its not appropriate

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Saint Peter Minnesota

    Default Re: Never posted before but never been so terrified...

    Its alright. I understand how you feel. People have been giving me advice to stay calm and do something that relaxes me. I have been watching t.v. all day and messing around on facebook and helping other people with their posts. Just make sure you are drinking water. you need to stay hydrated. Take it from me, i have been ill this week because of dehydration, and that is such a terrible feeling compaired to feeling ill. drink water. stay calm. Do some breathing exercises. If you have been in therapy, have they taught you any techniques with dealing with you anxiety? if so, use those. Good luck
    ~always wishing for the best, Eveningstar~

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Never posted before but never been so terrified...

    Thank you for the reply! I still didn't manage to eat much but I just watched tv and stuff then a friend came round and took me to hers! Just hope my sisters better soon so I can start relaxing again!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Never posted before but never been so terrified...

    Oh no, that's really stressful when someone is sick at home, especially when it's noro. But you can avoid catching it, especially if you have enough space that you can both stay on different floors while she is sick. Do eat, because honestly if you catch something like noro if you have to v* it will happen whether you ate or not. I do understand you're probably too stressed to eat, but try to at least drink or eat soup because you can get severely ill from being dehydrated (as mentioned above). Stick to bland foods for a while if it reassures you. It's a good thing you went out to a friend's place too, it'll distract you. Just keep in mind that with proper hand washing and if your mom disinfects the house properly you will not catch this.



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