Welcome, Holly! Start taking the anti-anxiety meds, and start looking for a psychologist or a social worker. They don't have to have a ton of experience, or specialize in phobias, but a background in anxiety is good. Most of all, find one that is nice, and someone you like. Print out Sage's INFO sheet (go to the Treatments Forum) and give it to the therapist, and talk to them about it until you are sure they understand what your problem is.

In the meantime, start doing some relaxation every day. Hot baths, guided relaxation tapes, yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, whatever works for you. Also, you may want to by the Anxiety and Phobia workbook by Bourne, and start working through the exercises. There are some relaxation techniques in there, and tips for coping with panic attacks. Five a day is way too many.

As for eating, try those nutritional shakes. Keep trying to eat regular food, but supplement with the shakes (which should be easier for you to swallow) so you can get some nutrients.

I just went through this same thing for about a month, and I got on meds, and sawa hypnotherapist (but only for relaxation, not for a cure). It gets better, I promise. Just hang in there!