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Thread: Hello!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Hello!

    Hello, my name is Hannah and I am very new here. I've been searching pretty much all day about stuff related to this. I've had this since I was a child. I don't remember my exact age but it stemmed from a traumatic (I'm not sure if we're allowed to post the actual words here-maybe someone can fill me in?) v*ing experience, it may be triggering so you may need to Skip the next paragraph...

    My sister had been complaining she felt sick but I guess my mom thought she was just trying to get out of taking me and my friend to the movies.. Long story short, she starts puking in the movie theater, left me and my friend to go find my mom and bro, and on the ride home she just kept being sick and that upset me so much I was really panicky then that night I got sick (only once ) and had other sick issues that are unladylike to share lol, and after that I was afraid to eat... And this may sound odd, but my mom literally had to promise me I wouldn't throw up for me to start eating and that carried on for years...

    Okay that paragraph is done...

    I think it had caused me to develop OCD. Though it is a form of OCD right? I have obsessive thoughts, and actually thought I had a grip on my emetophobia for a while. It was definitely still there but it wasn't debilitating like in times past. However, today my dad started throwing up and has been off and on all day, and now my sister is sick and as I'm sure you guys can imagine, I have been obsessing all day. I think being sick would actually be better than worrying about being sick.

    I am planning to start counseling after the holidays are over... Any advice?

    Sorry if there are typos, I'm on my iPad and sometimes it likes to autocorrect
    Thanks SOO much in advance!!!!

    Oh!!!! I forgot to add, I also suffer from a chronic illness called Dysautonomia (which is the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, so my fight and flight is messed up) and a specific form called POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), does anyone else have these or another chronic illness you feel may play some role in your emetophobia?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: Hello!


    Abbreviating or not is up to the poster. Some do, some don't. It is nice to put a warning like you did for graphic stories.

    Not a medical professional. Emet is not OCD but a phobia/panic thing. A lot of emets also have OCD, but not all. I think it might be a co morbidity thing or something.

    Counseling info can be found on treatment section here and pops up every so often in other sections. I think CBT is good. Emetophobiahelp.org has some info also.

    Sorry your dad is sick. Try to do deep breathing exercises, meditation, or distract your mind. Anything to get your mind off v.... You can try playing games, dancing, reading, etc.

    Hope you start relaxing soon.

    Read a little about your illness. Is this the same thing the Wiggle had?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: Hello!

    Hi Cynna thanks for your reply! Thank you so much for your advice!!
    Thats very kind of you too, to read a bit on my illness, yes! You got it right. It's had me mostly home bound for about five years, and I was pretty much bed bound for apprx two years. It's been a long journey, but I know there is purpose and value in it. And am a firm believer in Jesus Christ and through this I feel I've grown so much.

    I think the same can be accomplished with emetophobia too. We know suffering, and maybe one day we can get better and help others who suffer!



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