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  1. #1

    Default So hard to stay calm when Noro affecting most people I know

    Hi guys, just a rant....
    So we all know Noro is affecting a lot more people this year (in the UK at least) and I know you shouldnt read or believe everything in the paper, but I when I keep reading and hearing about people I know coming down with it, it gets me so scared. I log onto facebook and see people talking about noro affecting their household and so many people saying how ill they felt with it, a lot of people say they have never been so ill. This scares me so much. Mainly because when I get genuinely ill I have a very very bad panic attack, I mean a genuine fainting episode which I try and fight and I cant breath/cant see/cant feel my limbs type attack. I also have a phobia of d* so when this strikes I get really upset and scared because I know the v* will come next which is very painful.
    I dont know what I am trying to say but I a just scared because now I know several people in my village with it. My mum had it a few weeks ago and I managed to avoid it but I put so much effort into avoiding it i dont think I can do it again. We share a house and 1 bathroom so it was very difficult. Then people at work are 'dropping like flies' because of it. Then people at my stables cant come to see their horses because they have it. So, it's everywhere.

    I think there's well over a million people who have had this in the UK...I wouldnt be surprised if it was more like 15-20 million as around 1 in 3 people I know have had it.

    I have had noro twice in 5 years. I do not think I can cope with having it again due to the panic attack I got from it both times. I ended up doing d* all over my bed three times as my panic attack made me unable to function. that's what im scared of, the being ill and having a panic attack and doing d* everywhere and then having v* for several hours. I try and keep my hands clean constantly, and I have been emet for 20 years so im extra careful, but clearly my hygiene measures havent worked.

    I just wish it would go away , im tired of noro now.

  2. #2

    Default Re: So hard to stay calm when Noro affecting most people I know

    I wish it would go away too. I am sorry that you have had really bad experiences with noro in the past, I can only imagine how scared you must feel. I have had it twice and had much better experiences than most people I hear. I wonder if some people dramatize it a little? I know some people here (in Canada) who only v* a couple of times, or not at all. There is still hope, stay clean!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: So hard to stay calm when Noro affecting most people I know


    Please try to relax and stay calm.



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