Hi All, new here, suffered from emetophobia for the last 10+ years. I know exactly how I got the phobia but I'm not brave enough to conquer it yet.

To cut the long story short, my flat mate was seeing his grandparents over the weekend, on Saturday his Grandfather was vomiting, on Sunday his other Grandmother was vomiting too. He got back to the flat last night and I went to bed. I wake up in the morning to find him ironing his shirt and he tells me he'd been up all night with D&V. I told him to go back to his room get rest as I won't let him even get in my car to go to college.

He claimed he felt better, he had symptoms for no more than 6 hours, and although he looks a little washed out, he now seems fine, is drinking and even came into college and was socialising with everyone (I kept my distance).

Norovirus is rife here in the UK right now it seems, but I'm not sure anyone can get over Noro within 6 hours, most people seem dead for 2 days minimum. It certainly seems more food poisoning based, but it's a strong coincidence with is grandparents.

However, I am sitting in my room right now terrified to catch something. I'm pretty washing my hands regularly and trying not to touch around my mouth, but I'm kind of scared I'll end up throwing up all night (I can handle the other end!). I've not gone near his bathroom, but he's left the doors open, is it possible I might get it? The internet says (oh dear!) that most stomach virus's are only possible to catch through touch of contaminated areas, however I have no idea where he has been! Sadly we also share fridge and cupboard with each other and I'm worried about even cooking my dinner now, or perhaps my un-sealed food (like fruit) is contaminated.

Need some reassurance, is it safe to say if I keep clean and keep my distance that I should be fine?
