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Thread: Hi! New here...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Hi! New here...

    Hi, my name is Ashleen, I am new to this site. Hoping to find lots of support as my husband thinks I am just totally ridiculous and just says things to provoke me into being more anxious... It's really taking a toll on our relationship and I have no support. I don't know how to get him to be more understanding and to realize I am not just making this up and being dramatic. He is super mad at me right now for "the way I am acting".. he's says I am a bad mom when the kids are sick and it is very hurtful. What I am going through right now that has me a bit over the edge (and sent me on an internet search for support) is yesterday my son woke up and puked first thing in the morning. He and my daughter (2 and 4) had colds, nothing to bad... then early yesterday morning he kept waking up and asking for a drink of water (and getting some) and then going back to sleep... then he woke up for real... seemed fine wanted more to drink from his sippy, was smiling and happy.. I asked if he wanted to get up and go out to the living room.... he happily got up and walked out the living room... then started throwing up... it was horrible.... but then nothing since and ate fine yesterday and today.... I probed my daughter for information on her stomach's condition... she said it hurt a little... but she never threw up and is still fine today... she said she had a medium belly ache this morning but is fine now. I called the peds office and they said that they could just have a mild stomach bug or it could be from the cold. They said that there are some stomach bugs going around right now... I kind of wish I didn't call because now I am totally freaking out. I have barely eaten in the past couple days and am walking around with all muscles clenched in a panic washing my hands constantly and I just can't wait for it to be over. How long do think the kids need to be vomit and stomach ache free before I can relax I am going totally crazy over here!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Wisconsin, USA

    Default Re: Hi! New here...

    First of all, welcome Second of all, lots of people without this phobia do not understand it. They think that we are just over reacting and are being dramatic on purpose. Hopefully soon your husband can understand how much this phobia distresses you. I'm sure you are nowhere near a bad mom, and I applaud you for even being brave enough to have kids in the first place Third of all, if they are throwing up from a cold, and you catch the cold, you probably wont throw up. Kids might throw up from colds because their immune systems are weaker, and they haven't had as many colds as an adult has. Adults don't really puke from colds, or even the regular flu virus. Also, when kids have a stomach bug, its usually rota virus, which adults usually don't get because 99% chances are, they already had it when they were little, so they are either immune to it, or will get it and not have many symptoms. If you keep being hygienic, you should be fine Stay calm!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Hi! New here...

    Thank you so much for your response! I am so glad I found this place and to know I am not the only one like this. The kids are still fine just runny noses... before this I didn't realize kids could throw up from regular colds. I hope that is all that it was. I had been thinking about canceling the plans we had tonight just to be cautious (part of the reason my husband is so mad at me) but maybe I will go... I just wish I hadn't heard that there are some stomach bugs going around.... if we do go out tonight I know I am going to end up being paranoid about touching things and eating.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Wisconsin, USA

    Default Re: Hi! New here...

    I understand being cautious. Try not to let this phobia interfere with your life though. You can end up having the time of your life tonight! Don't cancel it because of chance of getting a virus. If you are hygienic, you should be in the clear Go out and live your life, if you get through this without getting sick(which i'm sure you will) you will feel so much better about yourself and your anxiety will go down knowing that you went out without catching anything. And it's good your kids are feeling better it does sound like a cold, they wouldn't get a runny nose from a stomach virus. Hopefully that makes you feel a little bit better about catching it from your kids

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Hi! New here...

    Thanks! I have actually decided to go out. You are totally right about if I get through this with out getting sick it will help my anxiety.... and the kids both seem totally fine so I am starting to believe it really is just a cold.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Wisconsin, USA

    Default Re: Hi! New here...

    That's the spirit Have fun!



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