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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    The UK

    Default Feel like giving up :(

    I post here all the time cause i'm panicking about feeling sick or something stupid so you've probably seen me before. I'm becoming so depressed, everything seems to be getting worse, i went out for the first time in 4 days today and had a panic attack, i've developed acid reflux which terrifies me and i always feel sick. I tell myself all the time i'm not going to let this beat me, but it is beating me. i've completely lost my old life, i barely see my boyfriend or friends, i miss so much college, i hardley ever go out and i'm always terrified. I can't live like this forever, it's torture
    "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to end, it's about learning to dance in the rain"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Feel like giving up :(

    Jess, please don't. You are my emet sister Soon you'll start with your psychiatrist, she will make you feel better. Don't give up. You have my facebook if there's something else you'd like to talk about.

    If you feel suicidal, please call 911 or a hotline (whatever cynna used to say).
    Tick tock, time is passing and so is your life. Enjoy it while you can.
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    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Feel like giving up :(

    You won't have to live with this forever. You have to believe that in order for it to be true. You're going through a rough patch since your folks have been gone. Why don't you call or email your friends today? Take a step away from emet long enough to say hi. It might cheer you up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Wisconsin, USA

    Default Re: Feel like giving up :(

    Maybe if you can't leave the house, invite your friends or boyfriend ever. They care about you, and don't want to see you so depressed. We here don't want you to be depressed either. one day you will overcome it, one day you will be strong enough. Until then, relax. Focus your attention on the things you love. Take up a new hobby that you can do in your house. Take baby steps. Start off my taking a walk around the block. Then take a drive. Then go to the store. Then visit a friends house. Don't isolate yourself too much though. There are tons of people who always leave their house and do crazy things and never get sick. Hopefully your psychiatrist can help you get on the right path towards recovery. Don't lose hope! I'm always here if you need to talk, feel free to pm me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    The UK

    Default Re: Feel like giving up :(

    Thank you for the replies, i feel like i annoy everyone on here with my posts I'm just as panicky at home so its hard for me to invite friends over too I have so much pressure to get out though because this is an important year at college so i can't really just stay home but at the moment i cant' get out of the house!
    "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to end, it's about learning to dance in the rain"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    UK, Northamptonshire.

    Default Re: Feel like giving up :(

    Hi Jessica. You're not annoying anyone at all with your posts. You want help, and we're here to support you. If you're feeling suicidal then please get help now. I've attempted suicide twice before and my parents stopped me and I'm glad they did, otherwise I wouldn't be here now. You're going through a rough patch at the moment and I promise you, it will not last forever.

    I also have GERD/Acid Reflux and feel nauseous everyday at some point so I can totally relate to you on that. Sometimes I get nausea so bad at night that I cannot sleep.
    Virtue - "You don't need a reason to help people"



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