Hello everybody. This post has nothing to do with emet. But I really need help with this, and I don't know who to consult. Okay, I don't have insomnia or anything. I have no problems falling asleep, I don't wake up in the middle of the night, etc. Sometimes I go through periods of time where I'll have nightmares every night for like 2 weeks straight, but it is temporary. Anyways, my main problem is my sleeping schedule. Being home schooled, I usually stay up until 2 am and wake up around 11 am. One problem with this. I volunteer twice a week at 8 am. Plus, I can't have this sleeping schedule forever. I'm going back to school soon! Now you're probably thinking, well just deal with the sleep loss one night so you fall asleep early the next night. That's a huge problem. I don't know whats wrong with me..but if I get less than 6 hours of sleep, I basically have a mental breakdown. I start hallucinating and having delusions, I get extremely suicidal, I usually have an anxiety attack, and my emotions swing out of control. Last night I got less than 6 hours of sleep. I had a small anxiety attack, a few mood swings today, and I hallucinated. Plus I was so weak, I could barely move. This happens every time. Once, it was so bad that I was talking to bushes and bugs, and I thought I was invisible. Then I almost threw myself in front of a car. My mom had to practically carry me in the house because I was so weak. Even if I have a great day, it still happens. I don't know what to do. How am I going to cope with the future..a job, college, having kids, etc, if I can't even deal with a little bit of tiredness? Every time I bring this up to somebody they think I'm crazy.