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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Just for interest

    Dyou believe that some higher power will jinx you if you even speak in a disrespectful manner about sickness? Dyou believe that if I were to sit here and say that I dare for something to happen then it will?
    I sort of do, but for me Im sure its a fading aftereffect of Xtianity- spending 16 years being told that if I wasnt good then God would make bad things happen to me.
    n yet its such a common idea.. but Im sure not everyone here is religious.. are you?

    What about other superstitions? Dyou think its bad luck to see a black cat cross the road or things like that?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Oh, I have so many of these, I don't know where to start! LOL

    1) I don't fear God punishing me, but I do have a book about
    miricles that I read when I am panicky. It's to the point where
    even though I have read the book a hundred times, I HAVE to read at
    least one of the stories in it when I feel panicked. I feel that
    if I don't something bad will happen.

    2) I wear my make-up the same way, and put it on in the same order everyday before work.

    3) I won't drink out of blue cups. (last time I did, i got sick)

    4) I have to use the same little bottle of Pepto that I have had for a
    year! If it runs out, I clean out the bottle with hot water, and
    re-fill it from a new Pepto bottle. Then put my re-filled little
    Pepto back in my purse.

    5) I have a hard time wearing new clothes. I feel like I don't
    know what could happen to me if I don't wear a "safe" outfit that I
    have worn before and not had a panic attack in.

    6) ( this is strange) I freak out if there is no peroxide in the
    house. I tend to scratch my arms a bit during a panic attack,
    never breaking the skin, but leaving small pink marks. Then I
    clean them with peroxide before I sleep. It burns a little, but I
    feel I can't break patterns. The scratches are always gone by the
    next morning.

    7) I have to put on the Weather Channel during an attack.

    8) I can only use a certain brand of chapstick....I worry that if I change the brand I use, somethow I will be sick.

    Ok, I just re-read your post, and I think you meant ANY superstition! I'm so dumb![img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]
    LOL! Yes, i have those too....but since I spent so much time
    writing these, I'm gonna leave them up. Speaking of black
    cats...I used to fear them, but I see the same one everday while I'm
    working. Now if I don't see it, I worry. And about
    religion.....I'm not a super religious person, but I do talk to God
    during a panic attack. I try to look at God as a good listener,
    and healer. And try not fear him. (Although I guess I do a
    little) Sorry I went a little off your topic! Carrie

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    No - if anythingI disrespect and go against the guidelines of superstition.I don't believe there's some phenomenalforce out there in life thatprophesizes if you do not do this, if you don't knock on wood, if a black cat crosses your path something bad will happen. This goes the same with dark magic such a Ouiji boards, tarot cards, crystal balls,etc. I'm a bit of a thrill seeker, and just for the sheer fun of it I play the Ouiji board (brought it to school one time. Boy was I popular that day!) just to see the suspense on people's faces.

    Nothing bad has happened to me since. I've walked under ladders, several black cats have passed me in my lifetime, I open umbrella's in houses. I spill the salt shaker all the time in restaurantsand don't bother tossing it over my left shoulder. I step on cracksall the sidewalk when walking down the street.I'm still alive and living to tell the tale.

    However... when it comes to Emetophobia...

    I still don't wear my Rocky Horror Picture Show shirt since it was the article of clothing I had on the day I suffered a horrid stomach virus. I don't watch Tom & Jerry because that was the program I was watching before I got sick. I refuse to touch pork whatsoever in consideration that I know how it tastes going in, and coming out.

    But otherwise, I don't consider myself a superstitious person.

    As for religion, my philosophy is simple: There's an all-mighty, he will not condem you to pain and suffering in your life because you forgot to put some pocket change in a charity basket. He allowed you free will, and with that gives you the decision whether to make that choice and be good and prosperous, or ignorant and desiteful. That's his gift. It's up to you whether you wish to use, or abuse.

    Sorry if I went off-topic. I do that alot. XDEdited by: peachfeet

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Oh I have a few supersitions.

    -I do the knock on wood thing.

    -I have a 'lucky' item. It's a silver gel pen...I know, go ahead and laugh.

    -I do somewhat believe in jinxes. It just seems to me that saying
    things like "nothing can possibly go wrong" or "that could never happen
    to me" is asking for trouble. I don't think this is a completely off
    the wall superstition either. After all the most famous shipwreak in
    world was once called "unsinkable". Whatever higher force is out there
    loves irony.

    -Then there's of course the emet superstitions. Avoiding certain foods, clothes, etc. for the reason that we all know.

    I'm not afraid of black cats, I love them actually. I don't believe in
    any of the cliche supersititions like friday the 13th, or walking under
    ladders, or breaking mirrors, etc.

    As for what I think if you were to dare something to happen. Well
    obviously that doesn't necessarily mean it will. I would say that it
    probably isn't a good idea though. I'm assuming it would be
    something that you DON'T really want to happen, so in that case you're
    basically inviting bad things to happen and would you want to do that?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    United Kingdom


    Not superstitions but things to do wth emetophobia.

    I wont eat white chocolate. The last time i did i V*

    I cant eat any candy chocolate with a hard shell like; Smarties, M&M's etc. Or im scared ill get sick.

    If i am in a car travelling i must have a bottle of Fanta with me, it helps with motion sickness.

    um... cant think of anymore right now.




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