Do you think being an emet has just made the logical part of the brain shrivel up, so that all our thoughts are irrational, making the fear worse? I have two examples as to why mine definitely has...

1. I had a nightmare the other night (weirdly enough featuring *v, not myself, but someone else) so woke up in the middle of the night. When waking I felt slightly *n and had a really watery mouth, plus slight stomach discomfort. My first thought was "Oh God, its noro!". You know my symptoms couldn't possibly have been caused by the anxiety from the nightmare or the fact that we had left the heating on and so the bedroom was really hot. Or that I have IBS and had an episode before I went to sleep that night. It was definitely because of noro.

2. I walked into the locker room at work the other morning and two girls in there were saying about another girl who was off sick as she had been up all night with *d. Again my first thoughts were "Oh no, she's got an *sv, she's going to bring it to work with her, we are all going to get it!". Not that it could have been FP, or that she has some other underlying health problem that causes the symptoms or even that she has some other kind of illness. Nope, definitely noro. She is still off sick now, 3 days later, so it could have been anything.

Anyone else feel like this? It actually annoys me how much my logical brain ceases to function whenever *v is involved.