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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Weird Question...

    Does anybody homeschool their children? If so, do you do it because of your phobia or for other reasons?

    Also, if you were able to homeschool (stay at home parent, etc) would you do it?

    I don't homeschool but I was thinking about doing it. Not because of my phobia but because my son has cerebral palsy and he goes to a regular elementary for Preschool. We have to walk through the playground to get to his class and a couple of times I've heard older kids say he walks like a dinosaur or call him the "dinosaur kid." He's only three so luckily he doesn't understand what they're saying is towards him. I don't want to shield him forever but just until he is old enough to understand.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Wisconsin, USA

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    I am currently home schooled, but I am going back to public school in a couple of weeks. I can tell you from experience it isn't fun being home schooled because of social isolation, so if you decide to home school him, make sure he still gets out of the house and does stuff of course. Especially at a young age, kids love to be social. I am so sorry people insult your son One thing I hate more than anything is bullies. I can't tell you what to do with your kid because 1. It's your child not mine. and 2. I'm only a teenager, I don't know much about parenting :P But whatever decision you make, just make sure he is happy with it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    BC Canada

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    I homeschool my kids. Grades 3, 5 and 8.
    It was a mix of both my emet and the ridiculous school system that finally persuaded me to do it.
    I have been doing it for about 3 yrs now and have tried having then re-attend public school ( they had wanted to at the time) and they eventually always want to be taken back out again. My middle has some learning difficulties, that they are just not patient enough with and my youngest excels past her other classmates and gets bored. Plus she has sleeping issues that make it hard for her to be up early sometimes.
    Even tho my husband is not emet, he has been thankful for the fact that we have successfully missed out on several outbreaks of things like mumps, measles, whooping cough and swine flu that have swept through the schools in our area.

  4. #4
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    My kids are also homeschooled in grades one and four. We have never used the public school and probably never will. Our reasons have very little to do with emet. My kids have autism, but not at the level to get special services. Also, the public schools are going downhill here. I know my kids are getting a good education at home. I also worry about my kids being bullied since they have a challenge.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

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    Ohh good! Thanks everyone! I'm feeling better about homeschooling my boys. Also, Amanda! I really appreciate your post, teenager or not. You are very kind and I love that you gave me insight from a homeschool students point of view

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States

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    I home school my kids through a virtual school. They have some learning difficulties, and it is good to be able to provide the individual attention to them. If you ever have any questions, feel free to PM me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

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    I was homeschooled till 3rd grade then my parents put me in a public school and I was bullied really bad. So they took me out and homeschooled me through middle school then put me back in in high school and the bullying kept on going. It got really really bad so my parents pulled me out and I had to get my GED. Honestly I LOVED being homeschooled. There are also homeschool groups and different things that you can get involved in so that way your child can get socialized. I will be homeschooling for a while until I dont think I can do it anymore.

  8. #8
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    I would never homeschool my child for two reasons:

    1. While I can teach my child many things better than anyone else because I'm her mom, that's the point: I'm her mom not her teacher. I am not qualified to be a teacher so why would I homeschool my child?

    2. Socializing (the good and the bad of it) are just as important as the formal education, and so even if I was a qualified teacher, homeschooling would rob my child of that very important part of her education.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

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    Hi Chris_Alice,

    I completely respect what you said but I kindly disagree with you =)

    There has been many times in history that school was done inside of the home. Also, schools such as: Harvard, Yale, and Duke are beginning to seek out homeschool children because public school's teacher/student ratio is generally 1:25. If I were to homeschool my children the ratio would be 1:2. That is great one on one time and no child in the classroom would be left behind. Not to mention all of the budget cuts that are going on, teachers have had to buy their own supplies. If the teacher can't afford it, the students suffer. I also believe in a more hands on approach. I want my children to learn by using their hands and not sitting behind a desk all day. Many great athletes, including Olympians, are homeschooled so they can focus on their training. Plus, they have online schools now for k-12 if someone was uncomfortable or felt unqualified to teach their children.

    The socializing aspect of it, I believe, has a bad stigma. If I were to home school my children, they would get an abundance of social opportunities. From church, swim class, karate, volunteering etc. I believe it is the parent who makes their child social, not the school. Not to mention, with homeschooling becoming so popular, they have so many programs available, Such as one that once a week the homeschoolers meet and do science projects together and do things in front of the class to help with public speaking, as well as other activities. All of these activities provide what would be lacking in a home school environment without the "bad" that comes with public school.

    I really hope I'm not coming off as rude or anything. I just believe there is such a stigma attached to homeschool. When some people think of homeschooled children, they think of hill people that are anti-social and dumb, haha! There are just so many resources out there. I really like the idea of taking my kids to a dinosaur museum one day and then an aquarium the next all for homeschool. In public school field trips are usually few and far between. It would be so hands on and they would see first hand what I was talking about.

    I'm not attacking you for your choice of not homeschooling. Like I said, I really hope I'm not coming off as rude. It just kind of seemed like you didn't know the resources they have today

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States

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    Yeah, there are many online, accredited, public online schools that are just as good, if not better than regular public schools. There are some crappy homeschooling situations, and some great ones, and many in between, just like public or private schools. It's all about what works for your family. Some children don't do well being homeschooled, and thrive in a public school, and some who do great and love being homeschooled, and do well academically. And it's true, there are many opportunities for socializing, whether public or homeschooled.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    United States

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    I thought about homeschooling mine, strictly because of my phobia. But after weighing all pros and cons, and thinking of everything (and everyone), i decided not to. First of all, no way could I be a teacher, lol.. When i didnt even finish school :/ I have more common sense/street smarts, than book smarts, i think.. Another thing, I want my kids to be social and see different things outside of home. Its been hard..because they do bring home tons of germies and sicknesses throughout the school year.. but i think, in a way, it makes me stronger when it comes to my phobia. PLUS...I cannot imagine having all three kids at home with me allll the time. My 5 and 6 yr old goes to school, while i have my 2yr old home with me. So, guess that would be another thing, lol..cant teach while having to chase a baby But i definitely think homeschool (for whoever is able to do it) is cool idea. I neither agree or disagree with it. I just know I probably wouldnt be able to do it! Good luck if thats wht u decide to do! Just be sure 100% that whatever u decide is what's best for your kiddo(s)

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  12. #12
    Join Date
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    And so sorry to hear that you and your child dealt with those bullies... That is very sad =/ Your boy will grow up to be an amazing person, in spite of all the fools who cross his path! God bless <3 My 5 yr old is autistic.. but the more functioning kind, as in you cant really tell he is..he's just a slower learner and has speech impedement.. and i am just waiting on the day he comes home telling me kids were being mean to him... i will punch someones kid lol

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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Weird Question...

    I do get tired of people questioning my educational abilities when I have three college degrees and am one class from a fourth. In addition, my hubby also has two college degrees. How many public school teachers have that much education? Also, there are online programs where you just make the child do the work. There's no lesson planning or textbooks or anything. Plus they do all the required testing and record keeping. It's just like your kids have had schoolwork sent home. Sorry if I sound defensive, but I do get sick of the old "you aren't educated enough to teach your kids" when I have much more education than the majority of public school teachers I know.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

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    Thanks Valen! I do agree. Homeschooling isn't for everyone (children and parents). It does take A LOT of work!

    Holy Cow, Grace!! That is incredible! You are MORE than qualified to be a homeschool teacher!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

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    If anyone ever has the need, there is always Connections Academy. I have not personally used them. It's free online public school. All you do is make the child or teen do the work and teachers grade it and keep up with your child. If the child has a problem, they can send a teacher to the home to provide private tutoring. It doesn't have to be buying your own textbooks and doing everything from scratch anymore. Actually, I think they've closed a lot of the special schools for kids in trouble and gone to CA. Also, since in my state they can have several counties with less than 50 children, I think they are going to that in the very rural areas anyway. I'm sure it's cheaper than keeping a school open for 12 children who have to ride the bus for an hour just to get there.



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