Hi everyone,

I'm new in the forum, I'm so glad to have finally found people who understand how emetophobia feels! I've had this issue since I was 6 (i'm 23 now). However, I somehow managed to forget about it for a while when I was 12... I used to have a social life, travel and carry a "normal" life until last month... I hate norovirus. Now I feel anxious, constantly thinking about how horrible it was, n* all the time, crying and I feel emotionally and physically weak. I went to see the doctor who thought I had gluten-intolerance (and seemed very surprised when I told her I have emetophobia...). I did a gluten-free diet for 3 weeks with no improvement. I went to see another doctor who prescribed Paxil (parexitine) and told me I could get n* for about 3 days at the beginning, but that it would made me feel much better.

Has anyone tried Paxil before? If so, what are the side effects? I'm really concerned about this... But then again, I'm already n* on a daily basis and the constant sadness/anxiety is driving me crazy!