Over the course of 5 1/2 years I've gone from having playdates at our house and kids visiting our older children daily, sometimes 3~4 extra kids at once, going out for coffee a few times a week, going out to my parents or inlaws farms every other weekend and friends for dinner at ours once a fortnight, to going out to get groceries (armed with my bleachy wipes), and coffee with my Mum once in a while. My children have playdates at riends houses, (friends who actually have the decency to let us know before we come that theres been an sv in their household). For a long time we had to find out the hard way which parents warned us and which didn't) . Now I have found I get anxious if I have to be out too long and will get anxious for days before if I have a commitment after midday because home has become my comfort. The few times I have broken my rituals someone has gotten sick. Im curious to know, how much has your life changed and has it stopped you getting sick as often?