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Thread: Back from Vegas

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    So I have not been on a trip in 6 years and I just got this impulse for me and my hubby to fly to Las Vegas. My emet is so bad that the 2 weeks before our trip I was constantly worried my 2 kids would get sick and then there is no way I could travel worrying about catching it, ya know. Of course, normal mothers would be worried about the child {lovely phobia}. Anyways, no one gets sick so of course when the meal comes on the plane I order the beef instead of the chicken, thinking chicken is more likely to cause food poisoning, eat very little cause of my fears, worry about he ice the flight attendants are puting in my beverage, like what if there hands touched it or whatever, you guys know what I mean, right? anyways moving right along our second day there, after choosing to eat at McDonalds in the Luxor this little girl is standing next to 2 piles of you know what on a bench and she's crying and her parents are frantic like trying to clean her up and stuff. So there goes my day, Oh god, is there a virus in Vegas, or is she going to bring one. Just the constant worrying and looking around for more kids to be sick the rest of the week. Horrible, i'm supposed to be enjoying my self, I was there without my 2 kids also, just me and hubby, and instead i'm constanly thinking about this s**t![img]smileys/smilies_07.gif[/img]Any ways, like 2 mornigns later we are coming out of the ABC store in the Aladdin {where we stayed} and this lady is buying pepto bismal, so I watch her as she leaves and she's bringing to someone in her family outside the store I couldn't watch to long you know cause hubby would wonder. So there goes some more damn worrying like they must be staying in our hotel, and why are they sick. Well one more thing. on flight home this kid is frantically crying like when they get sick, but after worring and having major anxiety about it I acted like I had to go to the bathroom and checked them out, false alarm, I guess she was just upset about something. That was the worst of my worries, but there were a thousand more smaller ones in between, but I'm glad I am home!. We still had agreat time just spending a little time away from the kids, di lose some money!, but that's Vegas for you. I really like to travel..I love the excitement that leads up to it, but this phobia is ruining my happiness. Thank you so much for listening if you actually had time and patience to read this whole thing..but I just needed to vent[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] Sheri Edited by: sheri-baby

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    You were really brave to go with you impulse and go to las vegas. I am really proud of you and hopefully you can take some confidence from the fact that it was ok. I am realy pleased that you did it and had a great time.[img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]
    Today is the tomorrow I dreaded yesterday and I\'m ok.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Oh gosh. This post really scared me. I'm going to LasVegas next week! Oh gosh. I know you were not intending to scare anyone, but now I am freaking out. No offense or anything.I know you were just venting.If she did have a virus, hopefully it will not spread much and it will not be there when I go on Saturday. I might have to ask my mother to cancel the trip now. But, kids v**** for many reasons.

    Anyways, the illness could have just been from the heat. I mean, it is over 105 degrees there! I saw a kid V**** when I went there last August. And, I ran like crazy away from it. Also, it was hot one day, and my summer camp went to Six Flags, and she did not drink a lot and did "IT". Um. There are so many reasons why a little kid might v**** other than a virus.

    Also, the lady could have been buying Pepto Bismal for many reasons. Like I said, the heat is a possibility, or maybe the person just had heartburn. Non-Emets would probably think I am crazy for doing this, but I always look to see how much of the Pepto is gone off the shelves at stores. =\ I am sure some people here may do that too.

    That is good how you still managed to have a great time away from home, even though that happened.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    well actually i did check the shelves and it looked like there were a few bottles gone!..i'm thinking OH GREAT!..but like you said could be any other reasons besides an sv...but i am so sorry to scare you or anyone, definetly not my intentions!...please don't even think about canceling your trip!...i would go again in a hot second...it's just I have so much anxiety over catching an sv that it goes with me everywhere!...it was 113 degrees ther but it's cooler now like 107 WOW much cooler huh? LOL...have a wonderful time and put all your worries aside, at least for you trip..force yourself if you have to...don't let this phobia ruin your enjoyment in life![img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]WIN SOME MONEY!!! GOOD LUCK and have fun!!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Well, I will not be winning any money myself, because I am only 13, but hopefully, my mother will! Last time we went there, in March, she got pretty lucky with winning, so we'll see! I'll try not to let it ruin my trip. But, that time I said, from August 2004, I saw that guy do it, and it did ruin my trip. We were supposed to go to Laughlin on the last day of the trip (well, actually, we were deciding whether to go or not), and we went there, but then I got too afraid and we had to drive home instead on staying there a night. But, it did not hurt anything, because we had no reservations.

    I will be staying at Mandalay Bay for two nights and Wynn for two nights. I cannot wait to see what Wynn is like. I have stayed at Mandalay Bay three times (I think. I forgot.) and know what to expect.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    You should be very proud of yourself. Before my emet got really bad, I used to go to Vegas twice a year. I never got sick there once! Kids tend to get sick more than adults, so I wouldn't worry as much. I love Vegas, it is one of the places I feel safe traveling too cause I have been there so many times. Well, I am sorry that you had to go through a rough time, but I hope it doens't stop you from traveling in the future.



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