I just wanted to hear from the younger emetophobes, like the under 16 category. On the forums I've seen a lot about how parents cope with emetophobia with their children, and other adult cases of emetophobia, but not as much have I seen cases of teenagers and children. I'm a 14 year old male and have emetophobia. For me, it's not actually much different from what older people have. I have the same compulsions with germs and being near certain people, I don't like being in any situation that may make me feel sick like a plane and I also don't like places that I won't be able to get out of if I feel sick. This includes a much larger variety such as crowds, open spaces, certain modes of transport, classrooms, anywhere near a group of people, being far from any help such as my house (where I can make myself ginger tea or other remedies, etc.) or even bathrooms if it gets to that extreme. I have also seen a LOT more females on this forum than males, so it seems I'm in two of the minority groups. I'd like to hear from other younger people, especially young males to see if their ways of thinking are similar to mine.