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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Please tell me I'm just over reacting

    Hi I'm new here and I need you to tell me I'm just over reacting here

    I was painting, and I have this habit that I sometimes hold my paintbrushes in my mouth. Today I wasn't really thinking, and instinctly put one brush between my lips. Then I realized what I was doing and took it away, and washed my lips under running water and brushed my teeth and took a probiotic capsule.

    Now I'm panicking that I would caught noro from it, I had washed my hands several times today and I haven't gone out today, but I bought that brush last monday and before buying it I held a pole in a trolley and I wasn't wearing gloves, and I'm scared that what if there was noro viruses on that pole and later when I handled the brush I transfered the viruses to it or that when the cashier was handling it he could've transfered viruses to it and now that I put it in my mouth I would be infected.

    Though after holding the pole I touched other things before touching that brush, like some other items in the store and I had held my hands in my pockets so if there was any viruses on that pole would they have caught on something before touching the brush I bought?

    I know that this is insane, and I know that there probably is very, very little chance I would caught noro from that brush but I'm still anxious about it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    California, USA

    Default Re: Please tell me I'm just over reacting

    You're definitely having an emet moment. I get like that too. Over thinking things will send you into a spiraling panic attack. I'm sure you'll be fine.



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