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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Post Anxiety vs nausea? Which is which?

    I've had it. I don't want to be sick anymore. I hear myself say "I don't feel we'll, I'm nauseous, I'm scared....blah blah blah" and it's making me hate myself for constantly complaining of some ailment. I don't wont to be this scared person anymore! Anyway, I feel nauseous constantly and my antiemetic meds don't touch it. Is it real nausea or anxiety? How can any person be nauseous ALL the time!? How do you tell the difference?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Anxiety vs nausea? Which is which?

    That it definitely anxiety ABOUT being nauseas. It is a mind over matter thing. I know its hard, but u HAVE to stop yourself from convincing yourself that you're sick. I had this exact problem a few yrs ago. & really started thinking something was seriously wrong with my stomach. Then , almost overnight, I realized it was all in my head. I have not V* in 15 yrs. I do catch my childrens bugs from time to time, only get the D* part (and other symptoms, just no V*ing)... IDK if you are a religious person, but i am..and what helped (and still helps) me is praying. I pray constantly when I feel like something's wrong. U really have to get your mind right. Because, right now, you're not thinking with your "real" mind. You are so very worried about feeling ill alllll the time, that it actually makes u feel bad. Stop yourself before it starts. Be positive. Tomorrow morning, before u even get out of bed, take a deep breath & say to yourself that it will be a GOOD day.. U thought u were sick yesterday and u weren't. U thought so the day before yesterday also, but u weren't really sick. Think of all the time u have already wasted worrying yourself into feeling ill. And remind yourself that you are okay U WILL be okay, I promise. It will get better! - its anxiety, you're not sick. Breathe and keep yourself busy with thngs u enjoy.
    For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; But of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2Timothy. 1:7)



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