It was in 1998 when I was like 6.

We had a party. They brought a 2 year old-ish there who was drinking too much hot chocolate (seriously, TOO MUCH, the bottle was bigger than her face). A half hour later the girl vomited it all out (brown - still can't forget the colour!). She was vomiting like an adult - it was too much vomit. Three large blobs that a typical drunkard would do (nothing against her, she's only a kid lol). The smell stayed there for the whole night. It was traumatizing. I couldn't escape that horrendous smell.

Even the years before this we had traumatizing vomiting events - once me and my sister both had the bug and we're vomiting in front of each other and with each other - this was like a race. It was a vomit-fest!

She also had the worst vomiting disease of her life when she couldn't even stop vomiting. She was vomiting all day and night.

My 90s childhood, although I quite missed it, was full of tremendous vomiting. That's why I got this phobia.