
When your nauseated it's much more intense than with just anxiety, the very sight of food can be repulsive. I get that sometimes after I've eaten too much. When I'm anxious the thought of food just sounds unappealing but not repulsive, I can look at food and just think "no I don't want it".

Food poisoning is possible in food cooked at high temperatures, the food still has to be cooked properly. If your not sure how to tell if the food is cooked, I usually look it up on the internet to double check and also cook it for longer than it states, until I can see it's getting slightly overcooked. Also I avoid eating sea food because food poisoning is pretty common in that kind of thing (mussels and the like).

Don't let yourself feel doomed by the statistics. As an emetophobe your less likely to v* per year than most people, because you take extra precautions not to. Think of a series of castles all lined up next to eachother. Yours is better defended than all the others. It's more likely the other castles will get invaded than yours because you have better defences (hand washing, good hygene etc), but just because all the other castles are getting invaded that makes you panic. Weird as it is I like to try and remember that when I'm feeling anxious in general.

I hope that helps a little