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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States



    The last 3 days have been just about the worst in my emet "career." I have gotten very little sleep because I've been up all night with n*and gas, pressure and bloating.

    Well I thought I was doing better yesterday until this morning I woke up with a sore throat and major queasy/nausea. I am panicking because the last SV I had I woke up with a sore throat and then I v* late that night. I am at a new job and could not call in sick today. To make matters worse I have a business lunch in 3 hours! I couldn't even get toast down this morning - no appetite.

    So I am sipping some tummy tea and trying to eat some dry pretzels - I also took a dramamine. Does this sound like a SV to anyone? Or am I just spiraling down?

    This is a BAD one you guys.... please tell me I am not going to V....



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States



    Try really hard to calm down and relax. Getting nervous about whether or not you will V* will only make you feel more like you have to.

    Sore throat and nausea? Is there any possibility you could be experiencing sinus drainage? This happens to me constantly and those are the symptoms I experience. Your nose may not seem stuffy, but it could be congested really far inside.

    I am sorry that you have to make it into work today. Hopefully by lunch you will be able to nibble on something. Get some soup and crackers or something light.

    I hope you feel better soon. Please try to just relax and not jump to conclusions. Don't let your mind be taken over by "What if's". Hang in there.
    \"This too shall pass\"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Thank you so much for your quick response- you are the best. I suppose it could be drainage. Here's the thing - I am beyond being able to understand what "nausea" is. Right now I have what my wife and I have dubbed "Buddha Belly" - my tummy seems to grow a few inches and I feel like someone blew up a balloon in me. It is pressing on my upper stomach stuffs as well as my lower, if that makes sense. And the sensation is very similar to nausea.

    I feel like I should eat, but all I have here are some pretzels and when I try to nibble on them I get "urges contrary to swallowing." I'm sipping on some coke and my tummy tea still and when the store opens at 10, I think I will get a banana. Should that be safe?

    I am just SO SCARED - my wife is so over this phobia, finally falling into that "what's the big deal" category of spouse. It wouldn't be so bad except I am in meetings all day and then have that lunch (with my new CEO!) so I am so frightened. Am I better off trying to eat a banana or should I fast until tonite?

    Thank you all in advance and again,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    By the way - if it were an SV - would I pretty much "know" by now? Or could this drag on until whenever it's good and ready?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    If you haven't been sick in a couple hours then it probably is not a
    sv. The time between the onset of nausea and when you v* with a sv is
    usually pretty short.

  6. #6
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    United States


    I would think that if it was an SV, something would have happened by now, know what I mean. If you are having stomach problems, like the gas, bloating, ect you are describing, maybe you should talk to your doctor about it.

    Im sorry that your wife "over this phobia" as you said and is now wondering what the big deal is. My husband is like that sometimes. I know some of my emet habits and worried get on his nerves sometimes.

    I do hope you get to feeling better. Keep us posted, ok?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States



    you would know by now. i dont think you would feel this terrible for so long. sure, every illness has its onset, but typically the onset of sv is relatively quick. you are gonna be ok, just hang in. if you have not eaten in a long time, the hunger can become nausea. a lesson i have learned before.

    feel better

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by jennyleigh1975
    I would think that if it was an SV, something would have happened by now, know what I mean. If you are having stomach problems, like the gas, bloating, ect you are describing, maybe you should talk to your doctor about it.

    Im sorry that your wife "over this phobia" as you said and is now wondering what the big deal is. My husband is like that sometimes. I know some of my emet habits and worried get on his nerves sometimes.

    I do hope you get to feeling better. Keep us posted, ok?

    Thank you. This is my typical "buddha belly" cycle so the only reason I fear SV is because I woke up with a sore throat (left tonsil, actually) and that is ALWAYS the indicator of when I am about to get sick - could be a cold, too, but hey you know how my mind (our minds) work.

    Do you think it is safe for me to go get a banana or should I fast until I am able to go home tonite?

    Thanks again,

    P.S. It goes without saying that I would be LOST w/o this forum. You are all so understanding and are always there with a helpful response so quickly. I love my wife and my family but you guys KNOW what I am going through.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2005
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by emily7
    if you have not eaten in a long time, the hunger can become nausea. a lesson i have learned before.

    Can you explain/expand that a little bit? Because I think I know what you mean. My problem is how do you tell the difference? Like right now I know I SHOULD be hungry because I haven't eaten in 13 hours (and it was just a light salad) but when I try to eat these pretzels the chewing and the smells make me want to gag. So isn't that nausea? [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

    Thank you,

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    i do the hunger nausea test. When I feel sick, and I cant tell the difference between nausea and hunger I think to myself, could I eat a big juicy steak right now? I think about my favorite foods, and if the answer is yes, then you are experiencing hunger nausea. If you are truly nauseated, then the thought of food will make you feel incredibly sick to your stomach. I say eat the banana and see what happens.


  11. #11
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    Jun 2005
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by mitch04133

    i do the hunger nausea test. When I feel sick, and I cant tell the difference between nausea and hunger I think to myself, could I eat a big juicy steak right now? I think about my favorite foods, and if the answer is yes, then you are experiencing hunger nausea. If you are truly nauseated, then the thought of food will make you feel incredibly sick to your stomach. I say eat the banana and see what happens.


    Thanks Michele. I am working on the banana so far and it does not make me want to gag as I am swallowing it, but it also isn't making me feel much better. It is tending to feel like it's sticking on my chest a little bit though. I still have that pressure/empty feeling in my stomach.I bought two bananas just in case so maybe I'll slowly eat the second one too.

    Is it possible that hunger/gas disguises itself as fullness therefore making me not have an appetite?


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    Absoultly. I had the biggest problem with eating for a long time. ecspecially when you are bloated, and that is what it sounds like you are. What did you eat for dinner last night? I would also suggest chewing some peppermint gum or suck on a peppermint mint to calm your stomach during any meetings you have. Peppermint is a natural stomach calmer. Hope you are feeling better soon.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    I think hunger/gas can disguise itself as fullness, yes. I have
    IBS, and I get bloated SO easily - lots of gas, a kind of pressure in
    my abdomen that makes me n* and pain. Maybe you have this?

    The hunger nausea test usually works for me too, but sometimes, I've
    been literally SO starving hungry, that I don't know what I want that
    will satisfy the hunger and everything makes me feel sick. This
    is usually because I haven't eaten for a full day or been much busier
    than usual.

    I'm sure you'll be fine... the fact that you're questioning it means you're probably okay.

  14. #14
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    United States


    I do the same thing you do Michelle, if Im not feeling well (or think Im not feeling well) I ask myself, if I had my favorrite meal in front of me would I eat it?

    How are you feeling now lewis?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    I agree, if you are questioning the fact you could possibly be hungry, then you probably are.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    United States


    I most definitely have IBS but I am confused because nausea isn't listed as one of the "official" symptoms - however this hunger/bloating thing definitely FEELS like nausea.

    Last night I only had a small spinach salad and some cold salmon for dinner. I developed "buddha belly" afterwards so I didn't have any desert, and the first "meal" I am having is these two bananas now. They seem to be sitting OK, but aren't necessarily making me feel any better. I'm sipping ginger ale (allegedly the kind with real ginger) - since I am so new to this job I haven't stocked my office with my tummy supplies yet.

    I'm about an hour away from having to go to this lunch - I am not sure where we're going but I hope I can get through just a bowl of light soup or something without getting sick or making myself look silly on the third day of my job...

    I hate to keep asking for reassurance but you guys think that if this were an SV I would have been sick or had di* by now? I've been awake for just under 5 hours.

    Thanks again,

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    Nervous swallowing can cause tummy distention and when you panic you may not realise you are doing it, think of scooby doo when he barges into a ghost and he goes glump! in his funny way. Well that could very well be what you are doing, I do it myself all the time, and have to make sure I belch cos I know I feel better afterwards. It can make you feel nauseous and full but you cant be sick on swallowed wind. Relax your stomach and notice how you are swallowing, I cant face food when I feel gassed nobody does. But at least the less gas you have inside the better you feel. Edited by: suzy.o

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    I don't know if anyone has included this in any of there posts but. I have found that when I start to feel pressure, bloating, or just plain miserable, (either from eatin to much or what you ate)then I take antigas medicine. Such as gasx, I get the store brand is much cheaper. It has made such a difference in the way I feel especially after eating. For those of you that can't or don't burp, and for those of you like myself who eat really fast because when you do decide to eat you are about to starve I highly recommend that you try this. There are no side effects other than flatulence, or hehe pooting. LOL!! Mostly that occurs for about 30 minutes after I wake up in the morning. But hey theres more room out than there is in right, and I promise you will feel lots better.

  19. #19
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    United States


    I get very nauseated when I'm hungry too. A lot of people here talk
    about not eating but that's really the worst thing I can do. I have to
    keep myself fed or I start feeling bad, so I would not recommend going
    without eating all day to anyone. I do however do the whole eat just
    toast for dinner thing occasionally.

    I don't eat bananas though because they make my stomach....burn for
    lack of a better word. Maybe it's a mild allergy or I don't know what
    but I stopped eating them a few years ago and haven't felt that same
    pain ever since.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    United States


    I get that swollen belly thing, too. That feeling is awfull. Do you burp a lot during it? Or feel like you want to?

    How are you feeling now? How was the meeting?

    I most definitely think you would have been sick much earlier if it was a sv. They come on so quick.
    \"This too shall pass\"

  21. #21
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    Apr 2004
    United States


    I used to get that gas/bloating/nausea or could be hunger feeling. I didn't eat and would feel like I had to burp alot. I think it was definately caused by not eating and worrying about it.
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  22. #22
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    United States


    [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]Sounds like you need to eat some more food. [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

    It also sounds like it could be IBS, (I have it too) but it could also be hunger.

    A few weeks ago (in the morning)we ran out of milk, so my hubby went to the store to get some, and while my 8 year old daughter waited for the milk for her cereal, she got really nauseated to the point she was super pale. I told her to nibble on some dry cereal for the time being, and she did. She felt better after several minutes, but still sickly feeling; then when my hubby came back with the milk, she said she wasn't hungry at all anymore.( I knew that was impossible because she had only had a handful of froot loops) I made her eat because I knew it was hunger that was causing her problems. She then ate a bowl of cereal and a donut and was back to normal again. Hope you are better now! [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    Spring is here!

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    United States


    How are you feeling today Lewis? I hope things are better!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Being over hungry can definitely cause nausea. It can be scary at first, but then when you realise you will feel better if you eat something anxiety lessens. You could always eat foods that are easily digested such as boiled rice, poached eggs, steamed fish. Bananas, as mentioned, are also easily digested - that's why tennis players can snack on them in between games without problems.

    How did everything go, Lewis? Please let us know.

    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Hi Everyone,

    It's such a roller-coaster. I got through last week fine when all was
    said and done. Earlier this week I had a few touch-and-go moments but
    nothing major. Then I was so proud of myself for going a whole day (I
    know, guys, it's pretty sad when I am proud of that) without a "buddha
    belly" attack - AND it was the day of our corporate outing at the
    baseball game so I even had a dirty water hot dog and a beer. Then we
    went out for dinner and for the first time in maybe 6 months I went to
    sleep with no stomach discomfort.

    I woke up hungry this morning, had breakfast at 8:30 (it's 11:43 here
    now) and about an hour later, in the office, got a brick feeling on my

    Panic attack! Damn it to hell, panic attack.

    My emetophobic drawer is completely empty, so I walked to CVS, picked
    up some pepto, phasyme, ginger, and meclizine (bonine). I took the
    bonine 2 hours ago, the ginger 1.5 hours ago and the pepto 2 every half
    hour for the last two hours.

    I no longer feel as frightened (the bonine likely calmed me down) but I
    still feel that awful buddha belly feeling and I am still queasy in my

    So here comes my typical conundrum - do I eat and bank on the fact that
    this is a gas/bloating situation, or do I continue to fast and assume
    the worst? I HATE THIS.

    Thanks again everyone,


    YOU ALL ROCK - I would be lost without this board.

  26. #26
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    United States


    P.S. Are the odds pretty good that, if I took the bonine 2 hours ago
    and was able to keep it down this long, that I am temporarily protected
    from v*? I.e. if I were going to, I would have by now???



  27. #27
    Join Date
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    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by shiva

    I get that swollen belly thing, too. That
    feeling is awfull. Do you burp a lot during it? Or feel
    like you want to?

    How are you feeling now? How was the meeting?

    I most definitely think you would have been sick much earlier if it was a sv. They come on so quick.

    I burp a lot during it and the burps make me feel a million times
    better... temporarily. But in the midst of the panic, somehow i
    unintentionally keep myself from burping (like swallowing the burp, if
    that makes sense?) and that just makes it SOOOO much worse.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    massachussetts United States


    Have you ever tried gas-x for the"buddabelly" thing?Mabey you get all gassed up. Do you drink soda and use straws?
    \"Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans\"-John Lennon

  29. #29
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    Jun 2005
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by swiftette
    Have you ever tried gas-x for the"buddabelly"
    thing?Mabey you get all gassed up. Do you drink soda and use

    I've tried both GasX and Phaysyme for the buddha belly, and I've found
    that they both tend to help marginally, with Phaysyme usually working a
    bit better. Neither have been miracle cures for me though.

    I do drink sody pop. Everyone tells me that doing so is causing my
    symptoms in the first place, but it's like I just can't have a meal
    without some - it usually helps me burp but from what I understand the
    carbonic acid is just murder on your esophagus and can actually cause
    more bloating. I do not know what to think.

    So right now it's been 4 hours since breakfast and I still have that
    nausea/pressure/bloating thing going on. I am back to wondering if I
    should chance a banana.

    Thanks for your response,


  30. #30
    Join Date
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    massachussetts United States


    I know what ya mean. I have to drink soda with food because sometimes it helps the food to go down-although it probably has done damage. I'd have something more "bready"because banannas are somewhat gassy. Hey, have you had any dairy products? I'm lactose intolerant and every timeI have even a little, I bloat up almost imediately.
    \"Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans\"-John Lennon



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