I'm p.o.'d. I'm being forced by my family to attend my cousins wedding this weekend. I wouldnt mind except for the fact that we are FLYING (my 2nd fear after V*) this Thursday. I live in NJ so it should be about 2 hours long but STILL. I am freaking out. I've flown before but never with my family. I'm afraid one of my brothers are gonig to get sick and seeing/hearing/smelling it will just make me sick. They've never been on a plane before and I'm worrying FOR them! It's RIDICULOUS! I plan on taking Xanax but I can't help being nervous for everyone around me too. Once I was on a plane and these two young girls were V* in the bags in the aisle next to me. If we weren't landing soon I would've been having a full-blown panic attack.

I am NOT looking forward to getting on a plane. I hate it SO much. Just the thought of being stuck up in the air with so many other people trapped in their germs really makes me angry and nervous.
